Chapter 4: Darker Days [part 1]

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The room he took me into was close to the ink machine but was still a few corridors down. When he opened the door, I was shocked to see what he had done. There were (favourite colour) walls, a (2nd fav colour) carpet, a double bed in the corner next to a window and he had put some amazing furniture in it. I just stared in awe as he just stood there and blushed. After what seemed like forever (although it was probably only a minute or two) 'wow' was the only thing that came out of my mouth. He looked up at me. ' so, do you like it?' I looked down at him and saw his cartoon eyes filled with hope. I smiled and shouted 'HEY EY EY EYEY  HEY EY EY I SAID HAY, WHATS GOING ON!' Bendy, of course, didn't get the joke and just stared at me on my knees on the floor. 'Wtf (Y/N)?!' 'NO FREAKING IDEA!' (Crickets) ' yes, I LOVE  the room!' I swear he jumped up and down.
Le tome skipe
Bendy POV~
I was sitting on the stool next to henrys old work desk. It was fun to look back at the art that was going to be me before it got scrapped. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned on the spinning chair to see (Y/N) running up to me with a piece of paper in her hand. 'Look what I found!' She said as she handed me the piece of paper while she was trying to catch her breath. ' are you ok?' She looked up at me and then she stood up. ' I RAN DOWN LIKE 20 FRICKING CORRIDORS TO FIND YOU THIS PLACE IS LIKE A FREAKING MAZE!' I just laughed but my laughing soon stopped when I saw what was on the paper. 'B-boris' she looked at me with concern in her eyes as I let my inky tears flow down my cheeks. She walked to where I was sitting and hugged me. I was a bit shocked at first but then I soon hugged her back tightly. She made me look her in the eyes. 'If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here. Gimme a shout and I will come running, probably slipping, down the corridors to you.' I chuckled slightly at the last part. Her face seemed to light up a little. Y'know, maybe she's not that bad after all! 'So,' it startled me a bit at the sudden sound of her voice after some moments of silence. 'You wanna tell me what's on your mind? It's ok if you don't wanna talk about "that"' she said whilst pointing down at the picture of me and boris that had been taken down from the wall. 'Sure, let me tell you everything.'

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