You deserve this....Chapter 10: confessions...part 1

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For you guys being patient, I decided why not give them what they want? An ACTUAL chapter! And as an added bonus, I will try to make as little spelling errors as possible because that is one of my biggest things here!

Bendy POV~
It had been two weeks since we had found the mice. The cute little one we named "ginger" had found its way into (Y/N) s room. It was living life in a big cage, happily getting banana bites every few days form ether me, (Y/N) or Alice. I had been trying to get closer to (Y/N) but she always seemed to ether be busy with some sort of work, or hanging out with Boris or Alice. I started to feel doubt in my plan but I didn't give up hope. I kept my plan as crystal clear to me and as cloudy to (Y/N) as ever. Finally, it was time...

(Y/N) POV~
A field of beautiful green was lay out like a blanket before me. My mother and I were having a picnic like we had done so many times before. She had a ham and cheese sandwich whilst I had (Insert favourite sandwich here)
She was smiling. I went to take a picture


My mother laid in a pool of her own blood. My scream could be heard from miles around.

"AAAHHHHHH!" I shot up, not realising it was just a dream. Wiping  my eyes that were full of tears, I looked at the clock across my room...1:30 in the morning. I sighed and got out of bed, put on my slippers and went down into the basement, being careful to not step on the creaky floorboards.  There was nothing in the cupboards except bacon soup, so I had it. I made a mental note to go buy some food at the grocery store later today. I opened the can with little difficulty and dipped the cool liquid from the can. It wasn't actually that bad, despite being cold. The air was thicker down here but I didn't mind all that much. There were many posters of Bendy, Boris and Alice down here, all strategically covering a hole in the wall or an ink blotch that had stained the worn wood. I wandered over to the pedestal room, where 6 pedestals stood, each with its own little item placed upon it. I found an old Bendy plushie in the corner and picked it up. It was a bit dusty so I blew that off but started to cough when it all went up into the air. I went down deeper into the sound department, where the thick air clung to you like a child would cling to its mothers arm. The old recording booth was still the same, but Alice had recently re done the place. She had painted the wood with varnish to help it stay strong and had removed any excess dust from the desks and work benches. I smiled thinking about how hard working she was. I looked Down at my feet when I thought about Bendy. I never really admitted it, even to myself, but I kinda liked him. In a like like way. And from the cartoons I had seen from him and Alice, he clearly knew how to treat girls like ladies. I snapped out of my thought when I heard a creak behind me. I turned around to see Bendy himself, standing in the doorway, looking straight into my eyes. He then looked down at his own shoes. "Morning?" I didn't want to wake anyone else up so I said it quietly. "...morning" he seemed... off  he didn't seem like his normal, devilish self. "You alright? You don't sound...right" he looked up at me with the same old grin he always did. "I'm fine...why are you awake at..." he tried to find a non existent watch. I giggled. " 2:45 in the morning?" I finished for him. "Is that really the time? Yeezus" I smiled at him, he returned the favour. I looked down at the floorboards. "I'm gonna *yawn* go back to bed now" I say, rubbing my eyes. I didn't realise how sleepy I actually was. "Night" I smile and pat his head as I walk past. I catch a glimpse of his tail swooshing around as I do so.

Bendy POV~
She went back to bed. I knew this as I heard her door close. It was finally time to put my plan into action. I opened the back door to the outside quietly and started to do what I had to do. I had to make this perfect.

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