Chapter 8: I Am Alive

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Squished into a corner, I watched as the black figure bend down to my level. I then realised that it was the wolf that I had seen strung up on a table a few weeks before. He held out a gloved hand and I took it. 'The name's Boris, Boris the wolf!' He said it with such an adorable smile that I couldn't help but giggle a bit. 'One question. How the F*ck did you get off of that god damn table?!' He smiled. 'Well, ya see, us cartoons can melt into ink, like my brother did when yo-' I grabbed his hand.' Hold it, Bendy is your brother? HOW!!! If you don't mind me asking that is' he walked over to a poster on a table next to joeys now dead body. It showed him and bendy in their development stages. 'That backstabbing traitor,' he said pointing to joeys corpse. 'Created me and bendy to be brothers in a cartoon that he was going to show on Cartoon Network.' I nodded to show my understanding. '(Y/N)? (Y/N)!!!' I heard the all too familiar voice of bendy down the hall. 'In here!' I waved and he must have seen me because he came running down into the room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Boris. 'B-Boris..?' His eyes had started to well up with ink. Boris held out his arms,waiting for bendy to run into the. 'Heya,buddy!' Bendy took off running and they both embraced in a brotherly hug. A white light flashed and they both looked up at me. I was smiling and holding my phone in my hand. 'You two were so cute, I couldn't resist!' I giggled.

Le time skip brought to you by ink... just ink it!

Bendy POV~
Just LOOKING at my brother talking to (Y/N) gave me a small feeling down in the pit of my stomach. I decided to go and ask the only other person I knew. Creaking down the steps leading towards the recording room, I heard sweet singing. Opening the rusted and blackened door, I see Alice (ya boi knows where the good character are XD) singing away. She sees me enter and exits the booth she was sitting in. 'Hello, bendy' (btw, Alice is like a mother to Bendy and Boris so.. no Alindy or Belice today) 'hey Alice. So, I gotta ask you something' she turned to me in her spinning chair. 'Yes?' She even SPOKE in a sing-song voice. It's like Joey created her to only sing. 'So, first of all, why do I have this weird feeling in my stomach whenever (Y/N) talks to other people?' She chuckled slightly. 'That, little demon, is called jealousy.' 'Oh, so I feel "jealous" whenever she doesn't pay much attention to me?' She nods. 'Second thing, Boris is alive' she stood up. 'Really?!' 'Yeah. He's in the ink machine room with (Y/N).' She ran off to go find him, leaving me to my own devices.

AYYYYY BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE LATE CHAPTERS!!! Oh, sorry I didn't see you there. But here it is another long awaited chapter. But also ITS MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY IN 3 FREAKING DAYS freaking hell im gonna freaking die!!! XD ok I'm done good byeeeeeeee *falls into the black abyss that is high school of the dead*

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