Chapter 16: Saying Goodbye (Final Chapter)

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Final chapter nuuuu! I love this book so much and it's sad to see it go. But let's not dwell on misery, dear readers. Let's put this book to rest now shall we.

(Y/N) POV~
Please pick up I willed my mother to pick up the line. I had decided to use the facilities phone to call her, the only person who would wait this long (and even longer) for me.She usually never answers to numbers she doesn't know but any slim chance that it could be her beloved daughter she would take. The ringing stopped. "Hello?" I smiled happily. "Heya Mom!" I exclaimed a bit to loudly. I heard my mom gasp on the other end. "OH MY PRECIOUS BABY IM SO GLAD YOUR SAFE!" She shouted down the line, almost making me deaf. Then, her tone changed instantly. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU! YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR 3 MONTHS!!" Anger and annoyance clear in her voice." Oh, I was just uhh..." crap I didn't plan this far! What do I say?! "You were just?" "Just..uhh...out..on a trip." Nice going idiot "what kind of trip hmm?" "A trip ya know, my journalism thing.. they asked me to interview the people of Tashirojima for their huge population of stray cats." That wasn't entirely made up. They did ask me to do this two years ago, but I'm more of a dog person, so I denied. "Oh, well how long until you come back?" Shoot. I can't ask her to pick me up because she'll know I'm lying, but I can't walk back ether, A TAXI! " I'm actually coming back tonight. No need to pick me up though, I'm getting a taxi back!" I could practically feel the happiness radiating from her through the phone. "Oh I can't wait to see my special little traveler. I'm gonna go make a cake for your arrival!" "Ok then, lo-" before I could finish, she hung up on me. Well then I thought as I walked back to my room to plan my leaving.

Le Time Skip

I put down my phone. I had called a taxi to pick me up at 12 midnight, it was currently 11pm. I still needed to pack my bags and say goodbye... oh god Bendy will be so heartbroken. But I have to do this, i can't spend the rest of my life with a cartoon demon and his made up friends.the longer I stay here, I travel further and further down into insanity. I pull out my bag and grab my clothes that I had bought whist being here. Shoving them into the bag, I realised just how pathetic I really was. How could I have just thought that staying here for 3 months and not telling any of my family was a good idea? How did I think it would all be fine and that no one would even notice I'm gone? A tear rolled down my cheek as I continued to put myself down in my thoughts.

I grabbed my phone and silently closed the door behind me. Putting my phone in my bag and my bag down, I set off to find Bendy's room. I opened the door with a slight creak and saw the demon sleeping peacefully, murmuring softly in his sleep. I smiled, as much as it pained me to do this, I must. I bent down until I was close enough to his head and planted a sweet and soft kiss. I saw him smile and reach out to grab me but I pulled out a pillow from the floor and he grabbed that instead. He pulled it close to him and nuzzled his head into it, making small ink stains appear on the white linen cloth. I pulled the handwritten note from my pocket and placed it onto his bed side table. It didn't take long before tear marks appeared on the lined paper. I was crying again. Pull yourself together! You've cried enough over this ink demon, it's time to let go! I walk towards the door and pull it open. Before I walk out, I whispered "goodnight my sweet prince...forever." And walked out. I then went to grab my bags but a hand stopped me. I looked up to see Boris holding my arm in his hand, a sad smile on his face. I stand up and look at him for any hint of anger, but he just looks sorrowful. "Safe travels" he smiles. I smile back, wiping a stray tear from my face with my sleeve. He pulls me into a comforting hug. We stay like that for a while before he releases me and let's me pick up my bag. I smile and wave at him as I hear a car pulling up outside. Turning to head for the door, I take one last look at the place that I will never see again. Sighing, I step out the door and breathe in the fresh, night air. I step into the taxi and tell the driver where to go. As the car pulls away, I look out onto the old home, broken and abandoned by humanity. love.

AAAAAA NOOOO! I know, I'm sorry for ending this book on such a bad note, but this also gives way to a possible sequel that I can make if you guys want it... JUST SAYIN'! But thank you to all the people that have read, voted, commented or even glanced at this book, it's sad to see it completed but all good things must come to an end.
~ Tiana (Tuna)

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