Chapter 15

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Second to last chapter nuuu :((
I wrote 90% of this chapter whilst I was sick in bed...I'm not sick anymore though so don't panic children. I'm ok.

(Y/N) POV~
Ever since the 'incident' with Bendy, he has been frequently apologising and showing me 'how much he loves me' by doing all these romantic things for me like buying me gifts and taking me to get dinner and the such. It's not that I don't like it, I love him and all that he does for me, it's just that...well, he should know that I love him more that the earth and stars could ever become! I feel kinda bad that he feels like he needs to buy me all these gifts and do all these things for me when I already love him more that I could ever love anything. I don't know, but I'm rambling again, aren't I...dear reader?
(OoO (Y/N) you wall breaker)

But besides that, things have been pretty normal. The only un-normal thing that's happened besides Bendy is that every time I try to talk to Boris, he stutters, speeds up his speech by like 20 and then makes an excuse to get away from me like "I have to go cut the grass" or "I need to run some errands." If I didn't know any better I would think he was purposely doing this to get away from me. But no. I have read too many fan fictions to realise that this is a cliche that people use when someone has a crush on another person, in this case, the person with the crush is Boris, and the person who he has a crush on is me. But that's ridiculous...right? He couldn't have a crush on me...right? He knows I love Bendy but that won't stop him from having a crush on me... oh well. If he does then I'm sorry to say but he will just have to accept that it won't work out.

I went outside, to take out the trash when I saw a poster taped to the lamp post next to the path

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I went outside, to take out the trash when I saw a poster taped to the lamp post next to the path. It wasn't just any poster, but a missing person poster, a missing person poster...with my image on it! It looked as if it had been there for months. Then it dawned on me. I had been at the workshop for 3 months. I never told anyone where I was! They must've been so scared. They probably got the police involved! Thoughts started to whiz around in my head as I came to only one conclusion. I had to call them. I had to call my parents.

I have to go home.

Yo.hope y'all liked the dramatic conclusion to this chapter. This is the second last chapter. Next chapter will be the final chapter *pause for single year to roll down cheek* also I'm sorry this took so long to write I was sick. I'm fine now though I was just ill. I think I ate some dodgey pizza or  something. BUT ALL IS GOOD. I am well now. So get ready for a feels trip and a half next chapter coz y'all gonna need ya tissues!

~Tuna (Tiana)

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