Chapter 10

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Lauren's P.O.V

"She's being such an ass!" I hear Ally say as she sits down next to me. I sigh knowing exactly who she was referring to.

"Ally she didn't mean it." I hear Ronda say from my other side. "She's been dealing..." I sigh knowing I'm the cause of all of this. We shut up though once the referee comes into the cage.

"Alright folks we have one of the biggest fights ever going down tonight. We have our champ The Midnight Shadow and the unbeatable beauty "Scarlets hand." Gosh even her stage name is annoying like her. "Let's get these fighters out here!" He yells and the fighters emerge from their rooms. I gulp when I finally see Y/N in person standing in the ring. Sophia was up there now too smirking like she already won the battle. I see them say something to eachother and see Y/N's jaw clench. "Let's get this started folks?" Everyone yells out to get it over with. The ref announces everything and kicks off the fight. I see Sophia jumping on her feet excited making me roll my eyes. Y/N seemed concentrated and nothing was affecting her. I look at her facial features and only her. The way she moved was so elegant and kept me captivated to where I thought it was just us in the room. That's until Sophia landed a blow on Y/N's face making me angry. I was about to yell out but Ronda kept me quiet with a mere grab of my hand.

"She'll be okay don't worry." I nod and remain focused on the fight again.


Y/N's P.O.V

"Sad isn't it your ex isn't even here to cheer you on." Sophia says making me angry as we continue our play of time. She punches my face and I shake it off as I jab at ribcage. I use the weight in my right leg and kick her in the same spot knocking her to the ground. I grab her into a lock but soon she reverses it holding me in one. I use my leg to pull out of it as I trap her leg in my hold. "Ah!" I hear her groan in pain as I hold her that way. I smile and twist around holding her arms above her head. I was sure I had her but then I feel the force of her left leg come into my ribs. I heard the crack instantly but I got up none the less. "You're hurt...give up." I hear her panting but admiring me as I take her down again.

"I.. won't lose to you." I grunt but hear the bell. I go to my corner and have Ronda come in to clean me up.

"You okay to fight? I heard the crack and it didn't sound pretty." I nod my head and take a sip of water. I spit out the rest and put my mouth guard back in.

"I'm okay I'll beat her." She nods and leaves. The bell rings again and we are back at it again.

-5h round

"Your getting tired.." I say to Sophia as she starts getting sloppy. She pants a bit but grabs me into a choke hold. I laugh a little as she squeezes.

"I'll beat you using this technique. There is no way you will escape this so easily." I laugh a little again and she squeezes more getting annoyed. I feel my will power fading I was going to let her win...

"Y/N beat her!" I hear Lauren's voice but as I look around I don't see her. I'll do this for her even if she isn't here..

"I'll... win." She laughs now and I know that was the distraction I needed to get out of it. I flip her over quickly and get her into an anaconda lock.

I had her in my unbreakable lock and she wouldn't tap out. She kept trying to fight past it but she slowly losses consciousness. I let go not wanting to kill her even after all she has done I didn't. I stand and leave to change then come to claim the belt I just won feeling accomplished. Sophia then comes to her senses and stand up. "You had me..."

"I couldn't lose not to you or anyone for that matter." She smiles and nods her head.

"I'm sorry I didn't expect you to win at all... I was so sure..." She sighs and nods her head holding out her hand. "That was the best competition I've ever had never thought I'd be handing over a belt anytime soon." I laugh and shake her hand. "I'm sorry.. too." I look at her oddly not understanding what she meant.

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