Chapter 18

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Y/N's P.O.V

I snuggled in closer to Lauren when I woke up feeling her heat radiate. I loved the feeling and wanted to feel more of it again. The past 2 days were the first times I was ever with someone and the feeling of being so intimate was something extremely hot. The way she called me Papi killed me and I could call her Mami all night long if she called me that again. I was on a high that she made and I don't think coming down from it was even in my vocabulary.

"Babe..." I hear her raspy morning voice making my member twitch. "I'm cold." I smile and wrap myself around her like armor to a gladiator. I snuggle into her neck and kiss her shoulder. A slight moan ensued from her mouth and I smiled. That's when realization hit me and I jolted off the bed. That scared Lauren as well and she got up as well.

"Fuck what time is it?" I walked over to my phone and checked it seeing it was 7 am. "Okay I was scared out of my mind." She laughed in a really adorable way and pushed me onto the bed with her straddling my hips.

"Your too cute for your own good. We leave in like an hour to make it there in time." I nod and look up at her with adoration.

"Your beautiful." She blushed and kissed my cheek. I flipped us over and made a run to the bathroom before she could.

"Cheater you knew what I was going to do!" I heard her from the other side  making me laugh. I open the door and let her in. "Your going to shower?" I nod as I pull out my tooth brush and paste.

"Yeah but I'm brushing my teeth first." She nods and does the same beside me. She kept making monkey faces making me laugh with tooth paste in my mouth. Once we were done I grabbed the clothes I was going to wear and placed them in the bathroom.

"Mind if I shower with you to conserve water?" I shake my head with a smile and let her come in with her clothes. Soon we were in the shower and I scrubbed my body with the help of Lauren's hands. I helped her clean her body as well and scrubbed her hair for her. She cleaned mine too but ended up sticking it up with the shampoo. Her laugh caused me to smile brightly. Once we were out and dry I kissed her. She then continued to doing her makeup and hair. I fixed my hair how it should go and see Lauren eying me from the corner of my eye. I smile and continue to fix it up. I flex my abdomen for show and see her bite her lip. The towel around my waste wasn't holding up right, so I just took it off. I grabbed my boxers and slide them on while snapping the waist band on to my hips for effect. I knew what I was doing to Lauren and I wasn't ashamed whatsoever.

"You playing games are you?" She smiled once she finished touching up her make up. She left to go change into her clothes that accentuated every asset making me bite my lip. She smirked and wandered off into the room leaving me to watch her. I grabbed my dirty clothes and put them in a bag inside my suitcase. I zipped it all up and saw her do the same with hers. I threw on some shoes and grabbed the suitcases from her. I took them out and saw Wren?

"They sent me to make sure she was safe. There has been a lot of targets on celebrities and well you don't need to worry I got myself someone to ease my well...tension." I squint not wanting to hear all that from him.

"Okay that's too much okay and I'm glad your here to protect her. I trust you with her since you have been with her for 2 months." He nods and I give him a handshake which makes him smile.

"You were someone I really looked up to in high school even when you hurt me. I'm glad we can be friends now and forget the stupid past." He sighs and leans against the SUV.

"Yeah seriously high school was incredibly stupid to me and I just wanted to leave but I do miss somethings." I say as I place a suit case inside the trunk.

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