Chapter 26

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Because I think I might be preganant..." I looked at her, and then toward her body. Then back at her face making her look at me like I was some weirdo. I grabbed my neck and looked at her again, that's when it hit me.

"Fuck I'm going to be a parent!?" I attacked her in a hug and kissed her hard. I heard her laughing making me smile. I kissed her repeatedly thanking the god above that my damn Penis works. "My penis works!" She busted out laughing even more making me smile. I then felt a stinging pain in my arm making me separate myself from Lauren.

"You okay?" I nod softly feeling happy that she might be having my baby. "Oh and about your penis working, yes it definitely fucking works thought that was established a long time ago." She pulled me into her embrace and I smirked knowing she was right about that. I sighed and took off my sling while pulling her further into my chest. I kissed her head and then trailed kisses down to her lips.

"What will management say about it if you are pregnant?" I ask and she shrugs not really phased.

"I will do shows until I can no longer hide the fact that I'm pregnant, I also don't want to over due it and hurt my baby." I smile and kiss her then lean down to her belly.

"I'm your dad kiddo, your going to be a strong one. You have a really strong mom that deals with being a celebrity every day of her life. Then you have me a kickboxer that will teach you everything it is you need to know to protect yourself. You will be loved and just so you know, you have tons of uncles and aunts. Most of them are my siblings but mommy has a brother and sister that will love you just as much." I lean up and see a smiling Lauren. "I also promise that I will always love your mom, that I don't belong with anyone else. I will love you both endlessly and like if nothing else mattered." I felt Lauren's lips against my shoulder making me smile.

"Can we go downstairs?" I heard her mumble against me making me smile.

"Yeah we can go do that, does anyone else know?" She smiles and nods her head. "Who else?" She smiled and kissed me.

"My mom, sister, and most of the girls in this house." I went wide eyed because that was a lot at the moment. "I was throwing up again, remember on tour when I thought it was the restaurant food that gave me food poisoning?" I nod and she smiles with a shake of her head. "Nobody else got sick so I thought something was up and I took the test. It came out positive but I kept it to myself until we got back here and I took another one. It still came out positive so, when I started throwing up again the girls knew something was up. They hung out with me last night and got drunk, which explains the bottle. I also lied about being drunk before... thing is I didn't even know if this was something you wanted. Especially after I have been such an asshole to you. Last night I actually spent it sick up here unwilling to get out of bed. But I want to apologize for my horrible mood swings, I know they give you major whiplash. I don't want you to be mad at me, or to hate me for being pregnant." I laughed and hugged her tightly not liking to hear the insecurities she was having at the moment.

"I accept your apology, I understand your moods a bit more now actually. I totally respect you too, I had no idea this was going on and I may have come off a bit harsh before." She shook her head and sighed.

"You had every reason, yesterday I ignored you and you left who knows where. The girls came up here shortly after, once they saw you leave in almost a rage and they wanted to get drunk but I clearly didn't feel up to it. I ended up telling them and then I fell asleep not long after. When Jake said you got hurt I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. He didn't say she is in the hospital and I was beyond tired, so I may have spaced most of what he said out." I kissed her softly tired of all the drama already. "I would have been by your side in seconds if I had fully paid attention and I'm really sorry babe." I sighed and kissed her forhead.

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