Chapter 2 You'll be joining the Advanced Group

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~Chapter 2 You'll be joining the Advanced Group ~

"I have ingredients laid out for you on that cooking station over there," She said.

"Of course," I smiled.

"You have an hour" She said.

"But class starts in 5 minutes," I said.

"I left a notice on the door asking the students to wait outside until they're called in," she said. I nodded.

"I'm sorry but I feel like you should know this little fact about me. I'm a klutz. I have to work extra hard to keep my grades up because I don't always understand the lessons teachers teach me. Also, I can't cook hard recipes. I know a few recipes thanks to my Mom and Mr. Vale, but on the other hand I'm willing to work hard and learn," I smiled. She nodded.

I walked over to the station. I looked at her desk. She was drinking black coffee and has a bag of dark chocolate and blueberries. So she likes bitter sweets. I can work with that. I look at the station. Everything was there. I walked, got out a jar of pickled sakura, dark chocolate, tea leaves, blueberries, whole wheat flour, and my other ingredients out. I'm going to make a Blueberry & Dark Chocolate Tart and Pickled Sakura Tea.

~An hour later~

I finished decorating it. I learned how to do this while I was at the bakery. Mr. Vale went here. So my Mom and Mr. Vale taught me a few recipes. I picked up the Tart and Tea. I put it on a tray. I served it to her and bowed.

"Enjoy," I smiled.

"Thank you, Now please wait outside with the rest of the class. I cleaned up the station. I walked outside.

"Blythe, why were you in there? Ms. Dubois asked us to stay outside," Diana said. She was standing next to Nicholas, Hunter, and another guy which I'm assuming is Axel.

"Oh. You guys didn't have to do it," I asked with a questioning look.

"That look is cute. Really but what are you talking about?" She laughed.

"Didn't you have to take a test so she knows what your skills are," I asked. She laughed.

"No," She said.

"Oh. Well. She told me I had to make her a snack as a test so she knows my skills," I said.

"That's weird, we didn't have to do any of that," She said. The doors opened.

"Nevermind that come here for a second" She asked. I walked over to her.

"A little fyi. Don't let Nicholas's cute face fool you. He's a little devil," She whispered. I laughed.

"What exactly did you make? She asked. I opened my mouth to answer when the doors slammed open.

"Blythe Maxwell," she said looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What exactly did you make," She questioned.

"I made a Blueberry and Dark Chocolate Tart with Pickled Sakura Tea," I smiled.

"Why," She asked.

"Because you were drinking black coffee and had a bag of blueberries and dark chocolate. So I figured you like bitter sweets and foods. Also you had dark circles under your eyes, a large stack of papers all around your desk, and you looked like you were about to fall asleep. So I made a tart to re-boost your energy and make you smile at the least. The tea is to calm your nerves and wake you up," I said. She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you," She said.

"Anytime ma'am," I smiled.

"Now I understand why Jace gave you the scholarship, is sponsoring you and paying for everything. Now I understand. In any case. Please come in," She smiled. We walked inside.

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