Chapter 17 Those words would be

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*Chapter 17 Those words would be*

Someone cleared their throat. We looked up and found a nurse.

"There is a Jace, Romane, Christian and Alex Maxwell on the phone. They are coming here to see her. They are claiming to be family," She said. I looked at Blythe.
"No," She said.

"Please for Me?" I asked. She looked at me sadly.

"Fine," She sighed.

"Send them in but give them a time limit of 20 minutes. Also if they come back here to see her again after they leave. Make sure you let me know," I said. She nodded.

"Also here are your bags," She said. I nodded. I got up and grabbed my bag and put it on the sofa. I sat back down by her side.

"When they come in please don't leave my side." She said weakly. I nodded.

"I won't. Also rest." I said. She nodded and closed her eyes. I smiled. My phone rang. I got my phone out from my back pocket and looked. It's Jayden.
"Hey. Where are you."
"At the hospital in Blythe's room. She's sleeping right now."

"We're on our way. We met up with Nick and them. We should be there in an hour tops"
"Okay. Be careful of the paparazzi. Don't answer any questions. Keep your heads low and hurry inside."
"Okay see you soon." Jayden said and hung up. I put my phone down next to hers. I laid down on the sofa and closed my eyes.

*10 minutes later*

I heard a couple of knocks on the door. I got up and fixed my hair. I walked to the door. I opened it and let Jace and them in. I sat down next to Blythe. I held her hand. They looked at her and were shocked.

"Please keep quiet. She needs her sleep," I said. They nodded. I felt a squeeze. I looked down she was squeezing my hand. I squeezed her hand back.

"What happened to her arms?" Romane said.

"She cut herself. She fell into depression which caused her to starve herself and do what she did on her arms. Then, on an empty stomach she consumed too much alcohol on an empty stomach. According to social media videos. Gina, Blythe, Sean and Simon were crossing the road. A car sped the stop light and was heading to Gina. Blythe saw and pushed Gina aside and let herself get hit. She lost a lot of blood on the way here and was in surgery for a good 3 hours. She's still critical but she's out of danger. They are keeping here for a 4 days for observation. Then they will let her leave once she's healthy and all her bruises are healed. She was awake a while ago and told me to stay. So I'm staying here with her until she's released. I filled out all the necessary forms and payed for everything. So you don't have to do anything." I explained.

"It's all my fault. I pushed her too much." Romane said sadly. She looks ready to cry. I saw her move.

"Blythe?" I asked. She look at me.
"They are here to see you," I whispered. She looked at them.

"Hey, Swe-" Romane tried but Blythe stopped her.

" My name is Blythe." She said weakly. I squeezed her.

"Right. Um. How are you feeling," Romane asked.

"I've been better," She said.

"I'm sorry. I pushed you. I really am. I'm sorry for everything. We only did this to-"
"To protect me? From what exactly? The paparazzi? Now that they are slowly figuring stuff out. It's going to only get worse. If you hadn't kept me hidden and in the dark it wouldn't have been as bad as it's going to get. Now sit back and watch how bad it's actually going to get."

"Blythe we never meant to put you through so much that you would actually consider cutting and starvation.""Well Mother Look what happened. You obviously did. Not only did that happen but I isolated myself thinking that it was the only thing I could do to not be a burden to anyone. You hide the fact that I actually have a father and 2 brothers. Then, I find out that you purposely hide me to protect me from the so called bad media. Well guess what right now the media is looking pretty innocent compared to what you did. After that, you expect me to accept everything as if it's a walk in the park. You expect me to be all happy, thankful and accepting of everything. No that's not how it works. You go on with your life like everything is normal but guess what. It's not! Nothing about all this is normal! For the 3rd time in my life. I actually want to kill myself and die. For what cause? For this so called family. Family is not supposed to hide things. A family is supposed to be loving and they are supposed to be there for each other. Not only did you hide me from everything but you did all the things a family is not supposed to do. I know what your feeling and thinking. Trust me, I know. You're probably angry, upset and frustrated. Guess what? I went through that constantly. If you want to change everything and actually be a family. Then, why don't you start by coming to terms with your own feelings and fix the mess you've all made. Until then, I have nothing else to say from you all. Until you've done what you know you need to do. I'm done trying my hardest only to be told it's going to get better because look where that got me." She said. I looked at Romane and the rest. They looked shocked and upset.

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