Chapter 10 Be Happy

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*Chapter 10 Be Happy*

"That's because the pig is hurting and should learn to accept the mistakes made and move on."
"What about you? You put up this big facade making everyone think that you have a perfect life and your happy but I'm not everyone. Everyone has a story. So tell me. What's yours? What is it that you're hiding from yourself and everyone? What mistake are you holding on to? If you can get past your mistake. Then I'll accept, forgive and move on."


"No. it's cool. You don't have to tell me. I'm just saying."

"You're right. Everyone has a story. Whether it's good or bad. My story is that My family is a business family. Everyone in my family is either a Businessman, or Businesswoman. I didn't want to be apart of that. I want to be a Pâtisserie and own a famous restaurant. My older sister and her husband supports me. My parents are slowly coming around. So you see. I forgave and moved on. I know it's hard but look at the bright side," He said. He cupped my face forcing me to look into his piercing blue eyes. He wiped my tears away. He rested his forehead against mine.

"If all this hadn't happened.... Then you wouldn't have met anyone here. You wouldn't have ever come to this school. You would have never learned so much about cooking."

"You never would have met me." he said. I smiled and hugged him.
"I think Satan is becoming soft." I laughed. He glared at me. I got up and started running. The guys were walking out. I ran behind Aiden.

"AIDEN! DO SOMETHING." I pleaded. They laughed.

"GET BACK HERE!" Nick said. I ran behind Jayden. Who laughed and moved aside. I ran and hid behind someone. I looked up and found. Alex. I walked backwards. I bumped into Christian. I walked to the side and bumped into Jace and Mom.

"Blythe.. Please." Jace said. No.. NO.. NO..NO!
"NO!!!!!!" I screamed. I fell to the ground screaming.
"Blythe.. Please." Christian said.
"NO!"I screamed while crying.

"Blythe! Listen to us." Alex said. I screamed and cried.

"Blythe! Look. It's me!" Dominic said running to me.
"Blythe please! We just want you to forgive us." Mom said. I screamed and cried. My breathing was becoming uneven again.
"Blythe please. At least hear us out," Jace said. I covered my ear. I screamed and cried while trying to breathe. I gasped for air as I cried. I looked up. Everything was closing in. They were getting closer to me. No! NO! PLEASE! LEAVE ME ALONE! I gasped for air. My vision started fading. I started seeing black dots.

*Hunter's P.O.V*

"Okay. I'm done sitting on the sidelines. Listening to her scream her heart out. Look at her! What do you think she's going through? You hid from her for 10 years and now you want get up and come back into her life! It doesn't work like that and never will. You can't keep pushing this! You have to wait for her to accept all this or better yet. Let her calm down and clear her head! Otherwise you'll end up destroying her." I said.

"Dom pick her up and let's get back to the cabin and try to calm her down. We don't want her passing out." I said. He nodded.

"What do you mean pass out," Alex said.

"She's having a panic attack!" Aiden said. Dominic picked her up. We ran back to the cabin. He put her down on the sofa. Nick walked to her and started talking to her. He grabbed her hand.
"I got this. You guys go get some rest." He said. We nodded. Diana and Axel walked in.

"Here is both of your clothes for tomorrow. You can stay here instead of the hotel because of well.. You know." Diana said. He thanked her. We left to the hotel.

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