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I woke up yet kept my eyes closed. My head hurt and I felt groggy due to the bad dream I had. I hated remembering my past human life, it was pathetic and I would have killed myself if I had met myself back then. Only my brothers had known about my human life, including Katherine. I didn't know Katherine till about my life was about over. Yet once I met her, I hated her. I hated everything she stood for, and hated how she played with my brothers hearts. I mostly hated how she didn't let us die a human life.

"Finally awake." Someone happily said as they walked into the room I was in. I opened my eyes and groaned due to the light pouring through the sheer curtains,"Hayley has been taken-"

Before he could finish I jumped up,"By who?"

"I don't know, but we must not delay." Elijah snapped and I began to get ready fast. All I honestly did was brush my hair and teeth, and change into a outfit that was already set out for me. It was a gray top and jeans. I slipped into my gray heels.

I sped downstairs and saw Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah.

"If it isn't Ella Salvatore." She smiled, walking towards me and gave me a hug. I could tell that trust was her downfall already.

I broke the hug and stared between all of them,"I'm going to find Hayley." I began to walk out of the door, then Klaus sped up to me, grabbing my arm.

"You're going with me. We both have the most influence in town." He snapped and I broke his hand from my arm.

"Don't ever tell me what I can and cannot do. I made a promise to that girl that nothing would happen, and I intend to keep my promise." I hissed in his face before walking out of the home.

Hayley just hang in there, I'm on my way.


I was the only one truly searching for Hayley. I spent about an hour or two searching through the bayou. I was heading back to town when I saw a women being hassled by vampires, I sped over and ripped both of their hearts out. When they fell, my heart dropped it was Hayley that they were giving a hard time to.

"Are you alright?" I asked her and looked around to make sure no one was about to attack.

"I am now. You know I can defend myself." She snapped at me, and a stood up, bottle fell out of her pocket. I smelt what it was immediately and I stared at her, it was wolfsbane. It didn't take me long to put two and two together and realize it was to kill her child. The way she looked down all guilty definitely reinforced my idea.

"Hayley why?" I asked her, I could feel my heart swell and my breathing sped up.

"Everyone wants to kill me over this thing! I hate their family, they are crazy! At least without it, I can live a normal life." She yelled at me, and picked the bottle up, shoving it in her pocket.

"Hayley, if you do that, you'll never forgive yourself. You know you want this child, or you would have told me you didn't need my help." I said softly to her. I looked down breaking eye contact before I cried. My eye began twitching.

"And how would you know!?" She hissed, I stayed silent. "Exactly, don't tell me what I can and can't do. It's my choice." She bumped shoulders with me, walking away. I slowly turned and began to follow her home. She was right, it is her choice. I just didn't want her to make one that she would regret in a few years.

When we got to the house, she shot up to her bedroom. Hayley made sure she slammed the door when she went in, alerting the house with super hearing that she was now home. I sat on the steps outside and held my head in my hands.

"Penny for your thoughts?" A male voice rang out. I could tell it was Klaus. He had a right to know but it wasn't my place to stay anything. 

"Piss off." I snapped through my hands. I really didn't want to be bothered after today. 

"I do what I please. I think you out of everyone should know that, Ella darling." He snapped and I felt him sit down next to me. The way he said my name, made me shiver. There was moments of silence, and I picked my head up to look at him. He was staring at the stars.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I mimicked his british accent and he looked down at his feel and smirked,"Something funny?" He gently shook his head and sighed, then looked back up at the stars. The silence snuck up on us again, but it was comforting.

"What was it like to be daggered?" He suddenly asked looking at me.

"To start,it's black nothingness. You want to yell or move and you can't. After a while, you kinda make peace with it. It's quiet and no one is there besides you. It gives you time- time to self reflect." I looked back up at the stars, and he seemed to be pleased with my answer, looking back up as well.

"Are you excited to be a dad?" I blurted out and regretted it as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"I'm absolutely terrified." He simply answered.


"I am afraid I'll end up like my father." He stayed looking at the stars.

"You won't. You're already such a good father. Protecting your child at any cost." I smiled, and I could feel him smirk next to me.

"You would have been a good mother to, Ella." He said quietly. I was stuck, how did he know about that? I stopped breathing and it felt like everything was crashing down around me at once. Yet I remained looking at the stars,"Thanks." 

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