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"But mommy, you need to call aunt Caroline!" Mia yelled as she stretched out on her queen size bed.

"She'll be mad, how about we just stay in tonight. Its already dark out and I'm sure they will call if they need us." I sat on my bed.

Our suitcases open on the floor as we had the TV on. Mia was watching cartoons.

"That's a good idea." She yawned and then there was a knock at the door.

She went to jump up and I pointed at the bed and slowly walked towards the door. I unlocked it and saw Marcel.

"So it is true. You came back once Klaus was released." I was actually fearing what he would do to me in front of my daughter.

"How good to see you Marcel. We are only staying for a day or two before we head home. She uh, wanted to come help." I tried to regain my cool.

"Who is we?" He narrowed his eyes at me. That's when I felt Mia behind me,"You have a daughter." He sighed in annoyance.

"I'm Mia." She grabbed my hips from behind and slightly hid. I knew she could feel his energy.

"Mia I told you to stay in bed." I pulled her off of me.

"After what happened earlier, I'm helping you. We are a team mom." I glanced at Marcel.

"This city is mine and nothing happens without me knowing. You're both free to stay just don't cause trouble." He nodded at me and zoomed away. I hurried up to lock the door when a foot kept it open.

"Great." I sighed as I smelt his colone.

"Hello darling. Can I come in?" He didn't give me a chance before the door flew open despite me holding it.

"Kol, why don't you come in?" I fake smiled as he strutted in.

He walked right over to Mia who stood behind me. I could tell she was scared slightly.

"I'm sorry about what happened with my sister." He was crouched down in front of her.

I knew he would never hurt me or her. He was my best friend. He is my best friend.

"Its okay. My moms pretty tough." She stated in a matter of fact tone as she smiled at him.

"Oh believe me I know. We would go on these adventures and almost everywhere we went, trouble followed." He stood up.

"Okay Kol that's enough." I smiled at him indicating I didn't want him to tell her about my messed up days.

"Are you spending the night?" Mia asked him as she crawled into bed. She was in her PJs already. They were pink and gray, her two favorite colors.

"Why not? I'm leaving in the morning with Beks." He glanced at me.

"Where are you heading?" I asked him wondering his new plans.

"Eating and partying." He raised his eyebrows at me and I knew what he meant. I grew up in those five years that he couldn't.

"Why don't you tell me more about yourself?" He sat on my bed and looked at Mia.

"What do you want to know?" She yawned again.


Not long after Mia had fallen asleep and I filled Kol in on what happened to me.

"When you were all put away, I got a call that night. My brother had died. I had to go help. Then to find out my brother had married and my other one was now human. I adopted Mia to fill a gap in my heart." I filled my glass with a blood bag and offered it to Kol. We both laid in the same bed.

"Not long after Damon died. Elena stopped talking to me- it was my fault because I didn't heal him. Mia also blamed me. They didn't understand that he was so happy to be human and I didn't want to take a chance on him being a vampire again. Anyways," I wiped my tears and Kol watched me,"I grew very close with Stefan's wife, Caroline. All three of us, Alaric, Caroline, and me opened up a school for supernatural children. It actually works and we have a lot of children already." I smiled at him.

"You should tell Hayley to sign Hope up." He answered. The sun was slowly coming up and he stood up.

"I should get going." He straightened his outfit,"This is not goodbye. I'll see you again." He kissed my forehead,"I told you, you'd make a great mom." Then he disappeared and I felt a small ping in my heart. I needed Kol. My life was coming together and he was my brother. I loved him deeply and wanted him to be in our lives. Mia actually liked him and I didn't need her abandoned by someone else again.


I was in the bathroom as my phone rang. Mia picked it up.

"Mommy its this lady name Hayley." She gave me the phone and I put it to my ear.

"Somethings wrong with Hope. I need your help. We are coming to the city. Find Vincent." She hung up and I told Mia to get dressed. It was going to be a long day.


"Vincent." I smiled as I walked into Marcel's new apartment with Mia.

"How did I know? The moment the Mikealsons are in trouble your there helping them." He spat at me.

I was about to speak up when a small voice beside me spoke,"Don't talk to my mom like that." It was Mia.

Everyone was silent and I could heart her heart beat speed up. She was getting mad.

"Mia honey." I crouched in front of her,"I'm okay. I promise." I tried to calm her down and it slowly started to work.

"For someone who hated witches, you now love one." Vincent narrowed his eyes at me.

"She isn't just a witch." I snapped at him,"And I don't hate witches, I hate the ones here. Besides that lovely Devina that makes Kol so happy." I shot back.

"Why are you here?" Marcel held his head.

"Hayley asked me to find him so he could help Hope."

"Yeah I sent them the message to come back." He mumbled.

"Which means they should be in their old home any minute now. Mia grab my hand. Marcel grab Vincent. I have a thing about keeping children alive." I grabbed Mia and picked her up before zooming off to the old home.

When we got there I heard Klaus and Hayley mumbling. I didn't care and zoomed in. I set Mia down and called for Hayley. She sped down stairs as well and came face to face with me, Marcel, and Vincent.

"I did my part now- Mia?!" I called out and couldn't see my daughter.

"Mia?" I became frantic and looked.

Within a second her and Klaus were walking down the stairs. He was thanking her.

"I helped that girl mommy. Just a little." I frowned my eyebrows.

"Don't ever run off like that again! Don't ever use magic to hide from me." I began to cry and hugged her.

"She put Hope to sleep without causing her pain. She helped my daughter." He smiled at me,"And I'm in your debt Mia."

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