Chapter 6: Calming The Raging Storm

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Chapter 6: Calming The Raging Storm

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE? YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Ieyasu shouted as he saw the transfer student. He was sure it was Tsuna, his unwanted brother. Luckily for Tsuna, they were at school and Ieyasu had some manners or else he's already been beaten. It was not only Ieyasu who had some reactions. All of his classmates who actually remembered him have already started some gossips and rumors.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

'Hey! Is that really Dame-Tsuna?'

'Where did he go and what does Iey-kun means by dead?'

'Whoa! He got the guts to return after a year'

'Cielo? Isn't he a Sawada? He's Iey-kun's Dame Brother, right?'

That last sentence triggered Tsuna's patience. He had long forgotten that name. He had long forgotten his brother. And most of all, he had long forgotten where he originally came from, his old so-called family. They have no rights, especially Ieyasu, to say he died nor to question his absence when they are the sole reason he left.

He lowered his head, not showing his angered eyes. He wants to speak up but couldn't since he used up all his voice earlier in the introduction. He simply remained silent.

The teacher, Chihiro-sensei, saw Tsuna's uneasiness and the chaos the class is making so she tried to stop it. "Iey-kun, please refrain from using unnecessary language here in the room. Class, don't mock your classmate. He may be someone you knew from the past, it doesn't change the fact that he's new here. Treat him well."

 As she finished her sentence, she heard someone scoffed 'He deserves nothing' in the background and she knew that it was Ieyasu. She understands Ieyasu's hatred for his brother. She ignored it and she didn't stop him. Even if she knew all of Ieyasu's wrongdoings, she never gets angry at him. He IS her favorite student.

She then turned to Tsuna and looked at him. She definitely knew him. Who doesn’t? He is the most no good student. Like everyone else, she doesn’t like him but as a teacher, she must be a role model, she must have her manners. “Sa-Cielo-kun, your seat will be over there by the window”

Tsuna rolled his eyes but it was unnoticed. He can hear the despise in the teacher’s voice. ‘Favoritism’ it was the word that comes into his mind. But he didn’t react, instead, he just complied with it. He slowly walked to his seat, absorbing all false accusations and mockery against him; taking all the pranks towards him. When he purposely tripped on the foot of his bully, the whole class snickered including his brother. “Ha! He really is Dame-Tsuna! And I thought he improved” Shouted one of his bullies. Tsuna silently grumbled ad stood up like nothing had happened.

When he reached his seat, he looked at his seatmate, Yamamoto Takeshi. He is smiling like an idiot at him. But his Tsuna noticed that his smile never reached his eyes. It’s a strained smile, a fake. Tsuna is a little worried. He doesn’t want anyone to have that smile, but he shrugged it off thinking that he doesn’t care about him and he’s not his friend or anything.

Moments later, when Tsuna is already drifting to sleep since he already knew the lesson, some paper airplane flew to him. Curiously, he opened it and saw some scribbles on it. ‘Meet me after class’ Tsuna instantly knew where this came from. He immediately crumpled the paper and pocketed it. ‘I guess I will have a beating later. I don’t want to grab any attention if I suddenly became strong’ Tsuna sighed. He didn’t really want to act Dame and he knew he was capable to hold his brother off but he doesn’t want anyone to have suspicions of him. Especially all the mafia related men including Reborn.

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