Byee byee High School

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Charlie Homes played by Madison Beer.

Chapter 1

Charlie's POV

Hearts break and hearts heal, people forgive yet never forget.

I never really understood, I mean sure hearts break but never really heals. Every time you see him, that wound is stabbed and ripped out!

Memories and sorrows all come rushing back. You start imaginating chiche moments with him making you fall for him all over again. I mean you will be alright until he texts you. Questions! Why didn't he delete my number? Is it the same reason I didn't delete his.

Then come the sorrows, the grief, the endless nights you couldn't sleep because you don't wanna live in vein. You want everything to be the same as before. You wonder if you dorged a bullet or lost the love of your life.

Then realization hits you! He never loved you or anyone or anything. You could try to forgive him but would that make a difference because every time your remember what he did to you and how  much it hurt. Oh and it hurt.
You want to have him decapitated.

No one can be all good vibes around their ex. And others can't make it less awkward. It's just humanly impossible. You can't just act like nothing ever happened. 'Hiii, I'm all peace and love after you broke my heart into a... MILLION FUCKING PEACES! '

Now wasn't that just dandy.

"Heyy, earth to nerd!"

I was rushed out of my complex world. My mind.

"I'm talking Charlie!",she waves her hands in front of me missing my eye with that freshly painted claws.

"And I'm listening Violet! And watch your claws",I warned.

She put her hands over her heart as if she hurt by my remark. What? Those thing are dangerous. I could of died! I need my eyes okay.

"Don't you dare Charlie.",she points at me while glaring at me.Then she rubs her nails mummering 'don't listen to her my precious. Shes just jealous'

I just roll my eyes at my bipolar best friend.

"I will dig those gray motherfuckers out if you roll them at me again.",she threatened.

Knowing Violet she just might. Don't ever brush off her threats. Because I experienced the consequences before. Like when I claimed I forgot her birthday. Let's just say my hair didn't have much fun at her surprise party.

"Yes,mum",I teased and mimicked a soldier saluting.

She just rolled her eyes at me and giggled.

"I going to miss this place, Char",she looked out the car window at our school. Madison High.

"Like duh, nothing beats the sound of loud gossips and whispered insults thrown at you."

I mean if you gonna talk about someone at least do it right. Not stand right next to them and whisper about their train wreck of a outfit right in front of them. I mean make a effort to make it seem like your not talking about them.They should at least know how to fucking whisper probably!

"You really can't wait to graduate huh?",she asked as she turned to look at me. "You were once happy to be there.Did you forget now?",wiggling her eyebrows.

I knew what she was implying. I was happy.There was a time I felt I never ever wanted high school to end. It was all because of him. Life was all unicorns and ponies back then.But it all changed. And I think it's for the better. Even my hesitance is hesitant.

"Too soon. It's not very funny and I'm not laughing.",I said dryly.

"But I have been waiting two years to tease you about him. Secondly cheer up it's the last day of freaking HIGH SCHOOL!",she said in a high pitched tone.

Don't you judge me. It's been two years but it's still two soon.

"Whatever. I can't wait for this hell hole-",I was cut off but a short brunnette girl in purple glasses.

"Brahhhh... I couldn't wait to see you guys, last party of high school tonight. Miller and Brendon say goodbye bash at ten o' clock.Everyone gonna be there"she shirked as Violet got up from the car and grabbed the phamplet.

Miller and Brendon threw the biggest parties ever. Every occasion and holiday,they got you covered. I mean you might be asking what about their parents? Well they are stinking rich and travel alot.Their mother is a lawyer and dad is a doctor. The Hamiltons really remind me of the Cosby show. Only they have two extremely hot sons who are extremely intelligent but big time players and chalk stiffers. Speak about combinations right.

"Omg, Is Nathan gonna be there? I'm so gonna make out with him for the first and last time.It's so 'a to-do list' thing",Violet said in a matter in fact tone.

Oh yes,Violet's 'to-do list before finishing high school list' shit. It's started in freshmen year, she done almost everything on the list. She down to the last two.

1.Tell your first crush in high school you like him and then make out with him.
-it doesn't matter if his single or not.

2.Get Charlie to let loose and do something crazy.

She hasn't done the last one yet. I guess I'm hard to break, I never did something reckless or spontaneous. I'm always the 'can count on girl'. The one that never busy unless she's studying. The one that's predictable. I guess thats what got me heart broken.

"It's always that list huh?, sometimes I think you love it more than you love your besties.",I let out a toothy grin as I jumped out of the car and pulled the short brunette closer to me to kneel on. You can always count on Claudia when you need support. Let me just take this moment to say, Short people rock!

"Oh, you know I love you freaks, thats why... ",The corner of her lips tugged up as she narrowed her eyes at me. "...Why I will complete that list in making you do the impossible tonight."

With that one word I knew Violet had something planned. Should I be worried? Very worried.

Dear God, please have mercy on me.

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