Claudia's POV

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Songs of this chapter:

1.Right here by Brandy

2.Irreplaceable by Beyonce

3.Halo by Beyonce

Chapter 12

Claudia's POV

Everything good in life always goes down the drain.Holidays always end,clothes always become old,your favourite TV show ends,and sadly love dies.

Like dead,dead.

But life isn't fair if it was then why did Bambi's mother die,why hasn't the Cahody caught the Roadrunner and Calton from the fresh prince of bel-air act normal.

I sigh,and tap my foot on the checked tiles of Swiss and Roll.I blink at the clock for must be the umpteenth time in an hour.
He promised me he'd be here and he's an hour late.

Andrew promised we'd meet at the local diner to talk about our current situation.By situation I mean us not talking for weeks and even if we do talk we argue and lets just say I always end up phoning Violet and Charlie crying my eyes out.

He promised he'd never hurt me.

I guess that's my problem,I never listen to anyone's opinion and act on instinct totally ignoring my past disasters even if its similar.

I don't know,I guess I just hold on to hope that the next would be different and it fucking sucks when it doesn't turn out the way I want it too.

I feel my phone buzz and I reach into my black jeans and look at the message from Andrew.

Andrew bae:
Sorry,running abit late be there in five.

Does he always think I'll wait for him? What he just assumed I'm still here waiting?

Well I am kinda pathetic still waiting even though a whole fricking hour has passed.
Instead I just reply with a okay and shove my iPhone 6 back into my pocket.

Well since I have to wait,I order another coffee as I look around for the waiter,I can't help but look around at the people.

Wow I wonder what people think of me sitting in the corner by a window all alone by a table for two asking for my fifth cup of coffee.

I receive a pitiful look from the  brunette waiter with just plastered a smile -waiters supposed to act like they actually give a flying fuck about people - on her model face ,"Got stood up huh? Don't worry his a jerk."

I nod fakely not wanting to talk to this bitch about my personal matters,"Another one thanks."

She stands there with a twitch in her eye. I guess now she thinks I hate her,well its not my fault she looks happy because she thinks I got stood up. Who's happy for someone that just got stood up?

A motherfucking bitch that's who.

God I feel like crap,me thinking everyone's against me.I mean I don't even know this girl and I'm already hating on her.

I tap my foot impatiently on the blue and white tiles and look around at the small 80's themed diner,the red and brown striped walls and the golden coloured lights that just gives this place a comfortable warm feel.

The bell on the door dings and a tall lean figure steps in the diner rubbing his pale hands together.

He smiles when he spots me and makes his way over to me.I half smile at my boyfriend.He takes the seat across from me and that annoying waiter comes back,"Wow,you finally made it and here I thought you weren't even rea-",Andrew cuts her of by clearing his throat,"But yeah,can you take our order now,I'll have the same thing she's having and by the way you should mind your own business."

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