my dear mother wants me to make up an excuse to not go to the drumline comp on saturday so i can go to art class and orchestra rehearsal
she wants me to skip a competition
for art class
would you like to know why art class means so much to her?
because it costs money
and that's why orchestra means so much to her too
because we're wasting money
doesn't even matter that i have no interest in either of them
i can't even quit because "it looks good on your college application"
fuck you
you are the reason i want to kill myself
i swear literally all my problems and stress right now stems from either eric or my mom
on the bright side
the decathlon shirts are going to say "STRAIGHT OUTTA DECATHLON" and it'll be coolio
okay bye gotta go attempt to save my C in GITA (from when all my motivation died. not that it's come back, i just need something to do and playing piano or violin when i'm pissed off really isn't the best decision)
Amy's Big Book of Bitching
Casualefor some reason I find more comfort sharing my feelings online for the world to see than talking to my friends about it. probably cuz if you don't know me you're less likely to judge me. so yeah here we go.