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For accepted members only!

This is where I will be posting our biggest plot ideas and prophecies. You may also comment some of your ideas (or PM me them!) here. We will have votes on what to do next with all the Clans frequently, so don't forget to check this page every once in a while!

To start, here's our beginning plots:


NightClan cats are being captured by the nearby farmer and taken away, never to be seen again. The clan is in crisis. That's their biggest food source come leafbare, and now it's becoming too much of a risk. The bats and rats they eat are giving them a strange disease; one that turns cats blazing mad! As far as the medicine cats can tell, it is spread through scratches and bites... NightClan is smaller and weaker than ever.

The other Clans still do not accept NightClan as a true Clan, despite having StarClan accept them, as their leader, Batstar, now has nine lives.

Eveningstar has rejected their wish for more land. Enraged, NightClan prepares to fight for the land they so desperately need...

Batstar is dead. The mysterious illness has taken her last lives. Willowfeather is blocked from going to Moonledge to receive her nine lives from StarClan.

The medicine cats will receive a prophecy: "a traitor will assist the oncoming storm." Is this to warn them of a turncoat in their midsts?


Eveningstar was accused of murder by a former SequoiaClan warrior, Thunderfang. Tensions rise as battle is on the forefront of everyone's minds; even a kit can smell it coming. Eveningstar keeps cats positioned at the western border at all times, and at the entrance of their clan camp, nursery and medicine den. All apprentices over nine moons are being prepared for battle...

The clan faces inner turmoil as the rule of their leader is challenged by a newcomer. At the same time the medicine cats have received a prophecy: "A fallen warrior will descend from the stars and bring fourth a new flame."


DawnClan remains neutral in the above disagreements as they encounter a problem of their own. More and more rogues are joining the Clan, and Thornstar begins to suspect their intent is not as noble as it first appears...

Lilypaw is found brutally murdered. Faint DawnClan scents are found, but the herbs placed on the body conceals the scent.

| All HP's and anyone else involved in the prophecy will be PMed the meaning |

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