Tsundere Karma x Gamer Reader [Percent]

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You slide the door and lazily walk to your seat and you put your head in your table.

You sighed, you played games all night long, and that day you thought that tomorrow will be Saturday. So now, she's screwed.

You were closed your eyes and sigh , "Good Morning! (Y/n)~" someone said it, that voice was so familiar.

"Good morning Karma" You said lazily and waved your hand, while your head is on the table.

You heard him chuckle as he walk to his proper seat which is in the back.

You sat beside Nakamura, she was one of your friends, well you're an Introvert, so you labeled them as one of your friends.

The others walked in and greet others, while they give you some time to sleep..

A wind blew your hair and that didn't bother your sleep.

"Good morning...." Koro-Sensei trailed off as he saw you sleeping. "Class..." he appeared in front of you as he reached on your jacket, his tentacles explode.

The others gasped,

"She hurt Koro-Sensei third time!" Sugino exclaimed, admiring her.

But that didn't wake (y/n), the others sweat dropped.

"Maybe she had a hard time.." Nagisa said, worried can see all &over his face.

"She overslept.. Not a big deal." Nakamura sighed, and look at the blackboard.

"Let's just leave her...." Isogai said and looked at you with worried face.


The class ended, and the others left the classroom while (y/n), Isogai were left in the classroom.

Isogai smiled at your sleeping figure. Admiring your beautiful hair, he sat in front of your desk where you slept the whole day.

"Hey, (Y/n).." Isogai tried to wake you up..

You fluttered your eyes open and rubbed your temples. You looked at your sides, tables and chairs are neatly arranged.

You looked at the front and saw the ikemen.

"Oh-- I-isogai?"  The ikemen smiled at you.

"You slept the whole day.." He said, and that caused you to scratch your back, and a little dust of pink were visible on your cheeks.

"Th-that---" you were trying to start a conversation, "i uhhh, i gotta go. See ya on Monday!"  You said and get your bag and run.


You checked your phone to see if your brother is at home.

You called him...
"The number you have dialed is not yet on service. Please try call later" You intensely tapped your phone.. "He didn't answer again. What is he doing right now?" You asked irritatedly in your phone.

Someone pushed you at your back, "O-oi!" Your fist was ready to punch the guy who do that, "Whoa! (Y/n) it's me Karma.." You glared at him.

"I hate you." You glared at him intensely.

"I love you.." He said and you glared and stepped forward.

"Don't try hurting my feelings, jerk!" You said, and walk away.

"That jerk..." You mumbled about him.


Monday- Dismissal..

You packed your things and you saw Karma waiting for someone.

"Oi! (y/n)" you looked at him,

"What?" You asked, you blinked at his behavior. He's ummm.... different?

He pulled out a bag full of candies, you looked at him confused.

"Hey, if you want me to get fat do-"

"I'm So-sorry!" Karma said and he was glowing red. He swallowed his pride just to apologize for (y/n).

You're going to say something but he pulled your hand and go somewhere.

"Oi! Where are we going?" You asked and you looked at your sides and you grew more confused cuz this is the way where your home is.

"I will take you to your house." He said and he tighten your grip.

You were now waiting for the signal to go green.

"Watch out!" Karma said and he switched your places with him. So the position is, karma is facing his back on the road while you, facing his chest.

You heard a water splashed in his clothes while he embrace you tightly as possible.

You pulled yourself and look at his clothes "You got wet because of me" you pouted.

"O-oi!" You were once again hugged by Karma.

"Thank you." you smirked.

"Love you"He mumbled and he realized what he just said and now his face was all red.

"I heard ya!" You said and laugh a little. "Hey, don't get too close with Isogai." He said.

"Hey! Hey!" You pulled yourself again. "We're not official." You said and a slight pink was scattered on your face.

"Does that mean...." He smirked, and sighed.

"No!" You said and your face was now red.

"Awww!! (Y/n) is blushing!" He laughed.

"You also blushed!" You said.

"Why are you so aggressive?" Karma said, and smirked. "Will you be my girlfriend? I'll give you all of my nintendos, my new games i bought.."

Your eyes sparkled as you pulled him in a hug.

"A 100% Yes!"



𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘, k. akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now