ShyKarma x Reader [The first and The last]

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I don't know why but, i kept writing sad stories even though my name says "Endless Joy?".


You're not the (Y/n) i knew back then.

You don't deserve here...


Die already...

The voices kept lingering on your head. Telling it to stop is not gonna work, but, the meaning gets deeper and deeper.

You ran as fast as you could. Your breath became heavily as you kept running.

You saw the Library getting closer and without hesitation, you pushed  the wooden door, and ran at the farther back of the library and cried.

You sat at the cold wooden floor, hugging your knees for you head to support. After a minute or so, you gently wiped your remaining tears. Just then, a book fell at your left.

You saw someone peeked at you. You thought it was just a freshmen student, you suddenly waved at the figure.

"I-i'm sorry.." The figure quickly grabbed the book, and flew away.

You took your phone and looked at the screen, checking yourself if you're not a disgusting human being anymore.

You sighed and stood up. Since you were here in the Library, you looked for something to read.


You pushed the wooden door once again. The second time you visited the library.

You picked the books that you want to read. The first book was quite heavy so you put it down at the table. Once that is placed, you quickly looked at the second book you'll need for the time being.

Once you are settled, you held your first book. You examined it, every detail of it. Just then you saw a bookmark like. You open it at the page where the bookmark like was placed.

It was not a bookmark, it was a letter. You opened it for research purposes.

'I want to be your best friend,
But fear always creeps its way,
So i look at you in the distant,
I'm not a stalker, just a boy entranced by your beauty.'
[I'm not good at writing love letters please bare with it]

You smiled, you didn't know if it's for you or other girl. So you set it aside, and read the book.

You always kept going in the Library, the peace makes you calm and every time you read makes you forget the bad things that happens everyday.

Every time you visit the library, you always found a letter whilst not knowing who wrote it.

'It's just a coincidence' you say but even though you don't know the man behind these letters, you felt butterflies in your stomach.


You lazily sat on the chair, you put your head on the table while your arm supports it.

You closed your eyes, enjoying the peace. Just then a chair moved across you. You froze on your spot, you didn't know what to do.

You kept your eyes shut and risking your life if that is a bad peep across you.

You heard the click of a pen. Minutes passed by, you heard the paper being fold.

You suddenly open your eyes and looked across you while your two hands supports your chin.

You saw the guy with a Red hair with a matching gold orbs. He held the letter but suddenly froze when he saw you looking at him.

He blushed as red as the tomato. You peeked at the card, that he was holding right in front of you, the first thing you saw is the three words that you've been dying to hear.

"I love you"

He looked away but you cupped his face forcing him to look at your (beautiful) face. Examining his face, he was indeed handsome.

"Sorry" he mumbled as he looked down, blushing like a mad man.
You just chuckled and fixed his hair.

"Don't be." You said and open the letter he gave.

"I am honoured. I have never received anything like this ever since I enter high-school. People mistreat me and spoke to me unkindly, but, I'm glad there's someone loving me for who i am."

"I'm glad i'm the first" He encourage himself and looked at you.

"The first and will always be the last." He smiled, this time you're the one blushed.


This is the worst chapter i've wrote...



𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘, k. akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now