14. Reassurance

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had a test and a lot is going on in my personal life right now. I will try to update as often as possible but please stay patient. I hope you all enjoy the update!  

"You've been quiet" Josh points out, stating the obvious as he and I drive home from the hospital. Since he came back to the room emptyhanded I hadn't said much to him.

"Where did you really go? To talk to her?" I ask bluntly as we stop at a red light allowing him to look at me.

"What are you talking about?" he asks making me laugh as I look at him in disbelief.

"What am I talking about? I don't know Josh how about how you went out to get a soda and came back without one and don't give me any bullshit about how you were so thirsty that you finished it before you got back to the room.

"Maya" he starts but I cut him off.

"You promised no more lies."

"I know" he says as he pulls into the parking lot of our building. "Just. I went to talk to Callie."

"Why?" I demand as anger bubbles up inside me again. "Why would you go talk to her?"

"Because she was a bitch for putting you on that damn list. I was pissed off and I went off on her. Trust me there was nothing romantic about it Maya" he adds adamantly as he looks at me. "I'm marrying you Maya, not Callie."

"I'm aware of that but I'm also aware that we went five years without one lie between us and suddenly she comes back and the lies start piling up."

"I'd hardly say they're piling up Maya" he laughs as he shakes his head. "I just didn't want you to get pissed off that I talked to her. Stop making this into something bigger than it is."

"Drew sees it too. I'm not crazy" I snip as I open my door and head out into the cold and up to the loft with Josh trailing behind me.

"Maya" he says as he catches my wrist and pulls me back. "Hey. Stop" he begs as he makes me look at him. "I'm sorry okay. I should've just said I was going to talk to her."

"Yea you should've" I say adamantly as I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm going to be your wife Josh, you can't keep things from me."

"Okay" he gives with a sigh. "I got it. No lies. Even when I use them to keep you from killing someone" he smirks making me look at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" I ask playfully.

"If I would've told you that I was going to go into the hallway and yell at Callie you would've jumped out of your seat and beat me to the punch. And you probably wouldn't have been very calm about it."

"Yes I would've" I lie making him laugh as he shakes his head.

"Didn't we just agree we weren't going to lie anymore" he teases making me smile.

"You infuriate me" I laugh as I push open the door to our apartment, allowing Josh to close it behind him as I pull of my jacket.

"Do I?' he asks as he grabs my waist, pulling me against him. "How much?"

"We have to pick up Emma in like a half hour" I laugh as his lips start moving down my neck.

"They live across the hall Maya" he replies as he tugs at the hem of my shirt.

"Oh my god fine" I laugh as I twist in his arms to face him, crashing my lips onto his before he picks me up and takes me to our bedroom.


"So everything okay?" Riley asks as her and I stand against the edge of the roof of the loft building. It was chilly but it was quiet.

"Josh has started lying. Drew thinks Callie is gonna make a move on him" I reply as Riley sighs, shaking her head.

"Josh wouldn't leave you and Emma" she says adamantly as I nod in agreement.

"I just hope it stays that way. Things change Riles. People change people" I remind her.

"You could pregnant again" she suggests making me laugh as I shake my head.

"At the rate Josh and I are going lately that may not be so far off" I admit making Riley laugh.

"TMI Peaches" she teases making me smile as I look down at her own growing belly.

"How's baby Friar doing?" I ask as she smiles, placing her hand over her belly.

"Good" she smiles. "We think it's a boy."

"Aw a baby Huckleberry" I smile as she laughs.

"Please don't call him that" she replies playfully as the door to the roof opens to reveal Emma and Lily.

"We found you" they shout making Riley and I laugh.

"Guess our hiding spot has been compromised" I smile as I pick my daughter up and resting her on my hip. "Hi baby girl."

"Hi mommy" she smiles. "Can Lily sleep over?" she asks as I glance at Riley who shrugs.

"Sure" I smile. "Come on baby girl, let's get you inside. It's too cold for little ones to be out here without coats" I add as we head back into the building. When we walk back into the loft Lucas and Josh are talking about sports making me roll my eyes as Riley and I settle into the kitchen, me to get a glass of wine.

"Babe we should head out soon" Riley calls over to Lucas.

"Lily is still playing" he tries making Riley laugh as she shakes her head.

"Lily is staying over and your pregnant wife is tired" she says as she stares at him with her hands on her hips. "May we go?"

"Of course jellybean" he says softly as he gets up, gives Josh a bro hug and gets Riley's coat.

"You've trained him well. Does he do tricks?" I tease as I take a sip of my wine.

"Yep" Riley smirks making me choke on my wine as she laughs. "TMI" I reply once I catch my breath as Lucas helps Riley with her coat.

"See you later Peaches" she smiles as she waves at me.

"See ya honey" I reply as they walk out the door.

"You okay?" Josh laughs as he rubs my back once he makes his way over to me.

"Yep" I reply as I turn to face him. "Sorry about the impromptu sleepover" I add as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"It's okay" he assures me as he leans down to kiss me, "it's good practice for when we have two of own."

"Mommy and daddy come have a tea party with us" Emma insists as she grabs Josh's arm making him laugh as he breaks away from me.

"Okay kiddo" he smiles as he scoops her up and head off to her room. I smile as I start to walk down the hallway after them. I hoped everyone was right and I was just being insecure because I knew that losing him would destroy me.

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