Attack on Titan || Cheater Levi x Singer Reader

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Credit: Thnks fr th Mmrs is by Fall Out Boy 

The only thing I own is the plot line

I held hands with Levi as we walked out of school

"I have band practice after school. I was gonna get a lift with the boys. I'll text you later?"

He just hummed in response. I saw my band and I kissed Levi's cheek before saying goodbye.

We got into Eren's (The lead guitarist) car. I got in the front seat while Jean (Bass) and Connie (Drummer) got into the back.

"We need a song for the talent show next week."

"I know, Eren, I know. I just haven't got any inspiration yet."

"You need to come up with something soon though. Otherwise we can't do anything original." Connie chimed in from the back seat.

"Ok ok I get it. I promise I'll write something."

"Do it soon." Jean said, not looking up from his phone.

"Sure Mr Grumpy." The boys snickered and I laughed.

Jean rolled his eyes but smiled.

We got to Eren's house and we set up in his garage.

About half an hour of playing covers, we took a break. Eren and Connie went to get snacks while Jean and me went on our phones. I texted Levi but he didn't respond.

"There's something up with him." Jean said. Again not looking up from his phone.

"I know. Can you ask around and see if any things up?"

"I checked. It's too clean."

"Define too clean. Levi is the dictionary definition of clean."

"He goes to school, meets you, eats lunch in the same place, lessons, whatever activity he has, kisses you and then goes off site. That is all on time everyday, every week, every month."

"That's just Levi though. Mr Clean and Organised freak."

"There have been sightings of him with the popular group, especially Miss Ginger Slut." I laughed.

"You know. I wouldn't be surprised if he was cheating on me with her. That slut wanted Levi to get in her pants since day 1."


"Will you tell me if anything new pops up?"

"Don't I always. Where the hell is Eren and Connie?"

As if on cue, they both walked in holding 4 cans of Coke, 4 packets of crisps and 4 apples.

Jean raised his eyebrow


"Us rockers need to eat healthy." Connie said handing Jean the apple. I took my snack and checked my phone.

My message was read but he didn't reply.

I packed up my guitar and looked back at my band member.

"I'll see you next time, boys." Waving goodbye, I walked out of Eren's garage. Walking down the sidewalk and admiring the sunny sky. It felt kind of nice to be alone. Reminds me of a time I wasn't tied down by anyone. The pressure of writing the song was heavy though. Why do I always have to write the songs?

I put my earbuds in and listened to some Fall Out Boy. I really need that song for the school talent show otherwise the boys would kill me. I walked into town as I passed the local diner. I looked in the window and saw my boyfriend

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