How you hug

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You were backstage at your boyfriend Ashton's concert listening to him and the boys preform their last song of the night She Looks So Perfect. You love coming to the concert bc he looked so hot playing the drums and you loved 5sos anyway. When it was over the boys came backstage jumping around all happy. You were looking for Ashton when you felt two arms slip around your waist. You immediately knew it was him because he always likes to hug you like this. "Good job tonight." You say smiling and turning around to look him in the eye. He smiled his cute big smile and hugged you tight again and said "I love you."


  It's currently 5 in the morning and you're waiting at the airport for you boyfriend Calum and the others boys in his band to show up. You were standing by a big window just looking up at the beautiful night sky. You were really tired because you spent most of the day before making sure everything was perfect for when Calum got home. You all of a sudden heard screaming of a few fans at the airport signaling the boys had arrived. You made your way over to the doors. You finally spotted him and yelled his name. He met eyes with you and smiled big then ran over to you. When he got to you he engulfed you into a huge bear hug making you feel safe. After a bit you guys decided to go home and he told you all about what happened while he was on tour.


You had just got home from a ruff day at school everything just webt wrong you just wanted to go to bed. On your way up to your room you ran into Luke. He smiled big until he saw the frown on your face. "What's wrong beautiful? " he asked. You just mumbled nothing and tried to walk past. He grabbed your shoulders and looked into your eyes while saying "Please don't lie to me." The you broke down and told him about your horrible day. When you were done he pulled you into a tight hug. You buried your head in his chest.  You could smell his cologne which you loved the smell of. He held you tight like he always did when you were upset telling you about how tomorrow's gonna to be better.


  It was about 3 am when you heard a loud noise from downstairs in your apartment. You were incredibly scared because your boyfriend Michael was gone on tour and wouldn't be home for a few weeks. You grabbed a baseball bat you had under your bed and walked slowly down stairs. You checked the living room and saw no one then you heard a noise in the kitchen. You walked in the kitchen and saw someone slumped over looking in the fridge you turned the light on and you saw a familiar hair color on the figure and realized it was Michael. You dropped the bat as he turned around and smiled when he saw you. You ran up to him and hugged him. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he held you up by your thighs. You didn't even care why he was home early you were just glad he was. And you guys spent the rest of the night just holding each other and taking in each others presence.


Hey guys first update what did y'all think?

Comment if you have any ideas for imagines you want me to make. And im also doing personal ones. :)

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