First Kiss- Michael

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       You and Michael have been good friends for a very long time. So finally after keeping his crush on you a secret for 4 years he finally got the courage to ask you out.

      He took you on a date to a park where you guys met when you were about 7 and became best friends.

     You guys were having a really fun time talking and laughing about all different kinds of things until you looked down to get another drink out of the basket he packed.

       As you reached down you felt something soft and sticky collide with the side of your face. You looked up at Michael and saw him in hysterics as you wiped whatever it was he threw at you off your face.

       He saw the look in your eye and that told him everything. He immediately got up and started running on the uneven terrain.

     You sprinted after him and were right on his heels as he trips and falls.

        He turns around mid fall so he doesn't face plant and falls on his ass. And of course with all the momentum you had from sprinting after him you couldn't stop and landed on top of him.

      You both started laughing super hard. You were still laughing when you saw Michael stop and stare into your eyes.

     You immediately stopped laughing too and admired the boys beautiful blue green eyes.

     You didn't notice it but both of you were leaning in closer to each other and before you knew what happened his lips were on yours.

     Needless to say it ended up being the best date you've ever had.


Hey guys hope y'all liked the update it was just a quick one so don't judge if I fucked something up lol.

On another note my birthdays tomorrow :D

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