Your favorite song from them

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   When you guys were bored you both would sing Heartbreak Girl really loud and then laugh at each other.


    You loved it when you guys were in bed and Calum would sing. Your favorite song when he sang was Beside You.


     You liked Where ever you are. The first time you heard it was when you were taking a walk and you heard a boy sitting on a bench with his guitar singing. When he finished it you told him how good it sounded. He blushed and you guys began talking more.


     You and Michael had lazy days where you would turn on your music loud and play video games all day. Today was one of those days. Just when you finished beating him Out Of My Limit started playing. You jumped up and started dancing to it and Michael laughed at you until you pulled him up to dance with you too.

5 seconds of summer preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now