They go to your volleyball game *requested*

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It was your last game of the season and you invited Ashton since hes never came to one of your games. "Are you excited?" he smiled as you were on your way to your game. "Yes this is my favorite sport!" you said. Later on in the day your team was winning 20 to  19 and all you guys needed were one more point to win and you were up to serve. No pressure there. When you got up you heard Ashton's voice standing through the crowd of people. "Wooooo GO GET EM (Y/N)!!" he yelled out. You smiled to your self and then served the winning point of the game with an ace. Later that night let's just say you guys celebrated your win. ;)


Today you had the biggest volleyball tournament you've ever played and were supper nervous. "Relax babe I know you'll be amazing like always." Calum said as you were walking into the building. You smiled and pecked his lips before looking around for your team. You found them and were about to go over but first Calum hugged you tight and whispered in your ear,  "I can't wait to see you in your spandex too babe." and winked at you. You laughed and punched him in the shoulder then went to go get ready. Your team ended up winning all of the games you played that day. 


Luke was always at every single one of your volleyball games supporting you and your team. Whenever you looked into the crowd you saw him smiling and cheering. Well everyday except for today you didn't see him anywhere, until the last match.

Your team was getting ready for the last match when you saw him walk in holding a huge sign that said "MY GIRL IS #(Y/#) AND SHES AWESOME" and it had a bunch of cute little things he made on it and he was wearing nothing but your team's colors. He looked so adorable.


"WHAT THE HELL REF ARE YOU BLIND! " You heard from the stands yet again. The ref just called a foul on your team because you went to spike the ball and apparently your foot crossed the line when you went down. You looked back at him and just smiled and then shook your head to tell him it's OK. You know your foot didn't cross the line but you were having fun so you just kept going with it. After another few hours of playing and hearing Michael yell at the refs your team won. After it was over you went to Michael and hugged him and told him what your coach had told you that he wasn't aloud to come back if he kept yelling and you both couldn't stop laughing about it on the way home.


Sorry it took so long been kinda busy hope you guys liked it though xx. ❤

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