Chapter 1 Harry and Ginny

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Harry lay in bed, starring up at the celling. He turned to his side but there was no one there. No Ginny, no one.  It had been happening for over a month. He was still unsure what had happened to lead to it. But alone he was none the less lying on the floor of his friend Ron Weasley's room in the Burrow.

'Harry!' Hermione's voice suddenly became clear and he sat bolt upright. 'You weren't listening at all were you!'

'Yes I was,' he protested, as he got up to sit closer to his friends.

'Really?' she said glaring at him in an "I don't believe you" sort of way. 'What was I saying then?'

'Err, you were talking about books?' this clearly wasn't the right answer as Harry saw Ron put is head in his hands as he clearly didn't want to hear whatever Hermione has to say twice.

'I was telling Ron that love doesn't just happen,' she began. 'And that sometimes people aren't right for each other and that he should look at you and Ginny...'

'Yes and I was telling you that they still haven't broken up yet!' Ron huffed impatiently.

'Well there clearly not...'

'Could you too just stop talking about this? I'm having a hard enough time already,' Harry looked over at the door, as though hoping Ginny would come in and the two could be happy once more. But Hermione was right. Maybe they just weren't right for each other. It wouldn't have surprised him. After everything that had happened in either of their lives after everything, it wouldn't have surprised him at all that they weren't meant to be.

The sun was rising and the faint sound of pots and pans from downstairs indicated the making of breakfast. The three made their way downstairs and took their places at the table.

'Good morning dears, I hope you all slept well,' said Mrs Weasley as she placed a plate of toast on the table. The next to come down was George who took a seat beside Harry before taking a piece of toast from the pile and sneakily eating it when his mother wasn't looking.  

'So, Ron, will you do it?' asked George leaning forward as he was trying not to attract the attention of someone like Hermione or Mrs Weasley.

'I told you,' said Ron. 'I'll think about it.'

'Think about what Ronald?' asked Mrs Weasley sternly.

'Nothing mum, honest,' said George hastily whilst trying to indicate to Ron not to blab.

'Ronald,' Mrs Weasley said again. 'Think about what?'

'George is trying to convince me to join him and Lee Jordan and work at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes,' Ron said loudly.

'You most certainly will not!' shrieked Hermione.

'Why not?' Ron asked impatiently turning his head to face Hermione. Harry could feel the tension rising in the room like a volcano. Hermione herself looked like she could burst with fury.

'Oh honestly George, just because you threw your education down the drain does not give you the right to encourage your brother to do the same!' Mrs Weasley said even more sternly than Harry expected.

'Throw away my education? My education has already been and gone,' Yelled Ron who seemed to be as confused about this statement as Harry was. However it seemed that everyone else understood.

'We're not talking about your Hogwarts education Ron,' said Hermione in a much calmer tone than before.

'But we haven't had any other education Hermione,' said Harry.

'Not yet we haven't.'

At that moment, Errol, the Weasley's family Owl, flew though the open window and landed in the pile of toast on the table. He was carrying three letters that were clearly addressed in emerald green lettering. Hermione grabbed the letters and handed one to Ron, one to Harry and the last one she began to open herself. Harry looked down at the letter. He did not recognise the handwriting however it was as plain as day to read:

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