Chapter 9 Dumbledore's Army Reunion

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Their was an uneasy air around the castle in the days that followed. The story from Alice's class had spread like wildfire leaving all students in a constant state of anxiety. Well, all except draco malfoy. He continued to strut about the castle, insulting anyone who really believed her story.

'If their really was some beast running around trying to kill us then why doesn't it just kill us all in one night?' He could be hurd saying around the corridors and on staircases. Though harry though that maybe he believed it more that he let on as their was always an air of caution in his voice as he said it.

Frodo on the other hand was very wary to the extent of paranoia. He insisted to carry around his sword everywhere and could always be seen with slight bags under his eyes as if he had been staying awake incase the beast decided to attack in the night.

Umbridge still insisted that their was nothing that could or would harm them and began teaching them less and less about anything of the sort, instead turning her class into a place where she can publicly humiliate students she didn't like. For instance, much to harry's dismay, she decided to tell of the degrading effects of being raised by parents that were not your own. This also seamed to have struck several nerves of Hermione's as after the lesson she escaped to the girls dormitory where she stayed until dinner, missing ancient runes.

And thus because of all this it was a huge relief for Harry when it was announced a trip to Hogsmede was in due corse in about a weeks time. The quartet discussed it over breakfast that Saturday morning.

'Oh, Hogsmede's wonderful. I don't believe I ever did go last year... I was a little preoccupied,' said Alice over a bole of porridge.

'Are you going to go and tell all the residence of Hogsmede your stupid story?'said pansy parkinson from behind her. Their was a snort of laughter from the slytherin table.

'If it's so made up then why are you so scaired?' Asked Harry scowling alike the monster inside his chest. She sulked away.

'That's put her in her place,' said Hermione.

'It's not just her,' said Alice. 'Their were these three fourth years, all different house, that did the same.'

'Well if you ever want us to...'

'I can look after myself harry and besides I have nothing to hide.'

'Then what's in your arm.'

'What... n-nothing,' said Alice showing them her left arm.

'The other arm,' he said.

'...Come with me.'

She lead them to the common room where she left them to go into the girls dormitory. She returned in a vest and jeans, holding her grey hoody in her hand. Up the back of her hand and up her arm, all the way to her shoulder were the words "I must not care when professor Delores Umbridge teaches me about drowning."

Hermione put her hand to her mouth in shock. Ron's eyes widened and it took all harry had to not find umbridge and lead her to the centaurs. Alice hastily put on her hoody, hiding the scratches from view.

'I'm going to the library if anyone wants to join me,' she said.

The three nodded and began making their way though the portrait hole.

'You have tattoos,' said Harry trying to lighten the mood.


'What are they of?'

'This one,' she lifted her left arm. 'Is the deathly hallows, of course. And the other,' she pointed to her right color bone. 'Is of Atropa Belladonna or, if you like, deadly nightshade.'

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