Chapter 5 The Feast

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'The sorting ceremony shall begin immediately,' said McGonagall. 'Baggins, Frodo.'

Frodo made his way to the stool and sat down.


And he made his way to sit next to Hermione.

'Brandybuck, Meriadoc.'


Merry went to sit opposite to Frodo but couldn't because Ginny was sitting there, so he sat next to her.

'Cotton, Rosie'


She went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table next to Susan Bones.

'Took, Peregrin.'


Pippin went to sit next to Merry. He smiled and shrugged at Frodo before looking back at McGonagall.

'Gamgee, Samwise.'


Sam went to sit opposite to Frodo and sighed.

'Oh cheer up Sam; you'll still see her around school and in lessons.' Said Frodo and this seemed to cheer Sam up a great deal.

'Now that we are all sorted I have some new staff members to announce.' Began Professor McGonagall. 'First I would like to welcome our new Wandless Magic teacher Professor Baggins who's classroom will be stationed on the third floor unlike the previous Professor.' There wore claps and cheers at these words and Harry now new where Alice had gone. 'Second I would like to present Professor Umbridge who will be your new defence agenised the dark arts teacher.' There was instant silence. Umbridge had taught Harry before and after their first encounter he loathed her. And everyone else did to. Harry managed to zone out as McGonagall finished the speech, how was he going to survive this year with her around. He knew Alice wasn't to blame as she looked as horrified as everyone else. Harry didn't know one person in the school who didn't hate Umbridge. So how could they have let this happen? He watched McGonagall speak but he didn't hear her. His brain only seamed to turn on again when the food had arrived and then all he wanted to think about was eating.

After dinner had ended, Harry made his way gloomily to the Gryffindor common room and immediately went up to bed. But he didn't sleep. He was too busy thinking. He heard Ron get into his bed, then Seamus, then Dean, then Neville. His last rather unrealistic yet comforting thought before sleep was so that if Umbridge was back, she hated children right? Especially Harry and Hermione, maybe she'll leave them alone. How very wrong he was.

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