Chapter 16 Revenge and Justice

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Umbridge had taken them off to have a very loud and public interrogation in front of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class they were just about to head off to. She found as many DA members as she could within the class and vowed to find every last one in the school. Promising many detentions, that would start iminatly, and the removal of all future Quidditch matches for the rest of the year.

Harry couldn't think of a way that things could have backfired any more than they already had. Though he did not speak, nor did the rest of them, instead silently taking what she said.

Alice reached for his hand and the two interlocked their fingers. Umbridge took care to ensure she struck every nerve she could think of in her burning fury though Harry noticed that in her rage she had forgotten the largest ones, though he was very thankful that she did as any outburst from any of them would surely cause further punishment.

Umbridge finished after what felt like hours and demanded they leave for dinner then return punctually once finished. Not wanting to question what she meant by this they all left the room, now with Neville, Seamus Dean and Parvati along side them.

As soon as they sat down, Alice put her head against the table. 'We should have opened them in the room of requirement,' she said. 'it was stupid to think that she wouldn't enter my office, especially after what happened at Christmas.'

'Well we cant do anything about it now,' said Hermione. 'Come on, eat something, Umbridge wont be happy if your late.'

'Then let her be angry,' said Alice. 'I don't care anymore! Not what she thinks! It never mattered to me before so why should it now?'

'Because we don't want her to do anything to you,' said Harry.

'You won't be able to stop her, Harry, non of us can, not yet. I just need to get to London and everything will be okay.'

'Make sure you get Kingsley to come to Bogwarts first,' said Hermione. 'Umbridge won't let you go otherwise.'

Alice nodded. 

'I'm not entirely convinced She'd let me go then ether,' said Alice, she delved into her pocket and pulled out an old watch with the letters "AB" engraved on one side and a pattern of a vine-like plant on the lid simular to her tattoo. 'We'd better go.'

They all stood up half in shame, the DA once strong now small and venerable walking to their doom, together.

As they walked, Neville walked along side Harry and whispered to him, 'I've been talking to the others, and... we still want to do the plan,' he said.

'I can't ask any of you to do that Neville, Alice is going to speak with Kingsley this weekend and then Umbridge will be gone by next year,' he said.

'We knew that anyway,' he said. 'We still want to do this.'

Neville reached into his robes and pulled out a handful of dungbombs.

'I won't use them now, but we all have them, and we're all ready, and we will use them,' he said before turning into the classroom.

They all sat down and Umbridge lay down several quills, enough for the entire DA. Harry hadn't known she could own so many. On the board she wrote for them:

I must not try and sabotage the school.

She advised them to write it out as many times as it was necessary, though they all knew that ment until she was satisfied.

Harry was unsure of how long it had truly been, all he knew was how much his hand was hurting. He looked over at Alice, who wrote so fast the cuts grew deeper and deeper as she wrote until she reached the end of the page before starting the next line making hers snake up her arm much like the one he had seen her with before.

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