Chapter 12 The Truth

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Harry woke on Christmas morning as the sun rose over the snowy grounds of Bogwarts. Ron must have already gone downstairs as his pile of presents was gone and his bed clothes screwed up. Harry sat up slowly. The foot of his bed was covered in packages. He smiled to himself. Nothing was going to go wrong today. Not on Christmas day. Not this time. No snakes no visions. No fear... mostly. But the heir had probably gone with the rest of them and wasn't even in Bogwarts. No, nothing was going to ruin this day.

'Penny for your thoughts?' Said a voice from the doorway.

'Alice,' said Harry, leaning forward to sit up straight.

'Merry Christmas Harry,' she said with a large smile across her face. He returned it.

'Merry Christmas,' he said. 'You seam awfully cheerful.'

'It's Christmas,' she replied. 'I've had some good ones you know. Some of the best memory's I have.'

'Like what?' Asked Harry beconing her to sit down.

'Like... in third year I stayed in the shrieking Shack, with Sirius.'

'He stayed in the shrieking Shack?'

'Well lupin didn't need it, not with the wolfsbane potion.'

Her face fell slightly.

'I miss them too,' said Harry.

'Yeah,' she stroked the resurrection stone around her neck as she spoke.

'Teddy,' said Harry suddenly.

'What about him?' Asked Alice.

'I doubt Lupin would opreciate it if we kept saying how much we miss them instead of looking after Teddy.' He said.

'It's not like their with your aunt and uncle, Harry, Teddy's fine.'

'We should check,' said Harry.

'And how will we do that?'

'Flewpowder. We can just stick out heads in the fireplace,' he said.

'Ok, sure. But at least open your presents first,' she said picking one up and passing it to him.

Harry opened his presents one after another. He got a box of home made fudge and Christmas cookies from Mrs Weasley, a large pile of rock cakes from Hagrid, a store bought card from Dudley of all people, a biography of Victor Crum from Hermione, a new set of chess figures from Ron as Harry's old ones had become slightly battered and some had gone missing and a hand drawn picture of a bunch of lily's from Alice along with a set of mirrors.

'Sirius gave one to me before our fifth year, I haven't used it since... give the other half to someone, you'll use it more than i ever...' But before she could finnish Harry had taken her face in his hand and kissed her, without though, he didn't even realise what he was doing until he'd done it. After the inicial shock, Alice lent into him, placing her hand on his cheek. Eventually, they broke apart, her hand dropped as did his. They were both lost for words. Alice looked at the floor, refusing to meet Harry's eyes. He saw them sparkle in the morning sun and was glad she didn't look at him with those grey eyes incase he did something equally as stupid again.

'Thank you,' was all he could say. She nodded slowly.

'Teddy?' She asked.

'Teddy.' He repeated.

Harry felt red rise into his face as he walked though the common room and past Frodo and Ginny. He and Alice didn't speak until they were in her office, when she opened one of her draws and took out a small pot of Flewpowder, offering some to him then taking a handful herself. They both aproched the fireplace and stuck their heads in. It was a little cramped but nether commented. They both dropped in the Flewpowder and said the word and they found themselves rushing though all the different fireplaces until they were faced with a rather nicly kept living room with Aldromida and Teddy playing their. Teddy shrieked with delight at the sight of them. Andromida looked around.

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