Chapter 14 The Attack on Draco Malfoy

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Over the next few days, the quartet began brainstorming ideas on how they could get rid of Umbridge, in between Quidditch practice, lessons and studying.

'I could probably convince George to give us some stuff from the shop,' said Ron.

'Maybe, but how could we get it here?' Asked Hermione.

'Owl?' suggested Harry.

'Perhaps you could ask him to wrap them all in brown paper?' Alice suggested. 'That way at a glance, they'd look normal.'

'Yeah,' said Ron.

'And we could have each member of the DA get one or two packages each to disperse suspicion,' said Hermione.

'Alright then,' said Ron. 'What should I ask for?'

They spent the next half an hour creating a list of things they could get from Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, encluding Peruvian darkness powder, puking pastels, dungbombs, fever fudge, trick wands and lots of filibuster fireworks.

'I think that should be enough,' said Hermione.

'Enough?' Asked Ron. 'With these I think we could overthrow the entire school.'

'It doesn't hurt to have spares,' said Alice. 'You never know, you might need them.'

'And I don't mind buying them if it means we can get rid of Umbridge,' said Harry.

'It's not fair to dump all the bill on you,' said Alice.

'I don't mind,' said Harry.

'Only if your sure mate,' said Ron.

Harry nodded.

'Well pitch this on Saturday,' said Hermione, getting up. 'Anyway, you lot should go to bed before the match tomorrow.'

Harry, Ron and Alice nodded and got up. Harry and Ron began to make their way to their dormitory.

'I want to talk to you,' said Alice to Hermione, was the last thing Harry heard before closing the dormitory door behind him.

Harry woke up to Hermione shaking him awake.

'Oh, finally,' she said. 'Can you make sure Ron gets up please Harry, I want to go to the library before the match so I can get a new book.'

'Err... sure,' said Harry sleepily. As Hermione left, Harry heard Ron grown and role over. After slowly trying to get up, Harry got dressed as fast as he could and dumped the nearest pile of Ron's clothes on top of him.

'Oh come on,' said a voice from the doorway. 'I don't plan on missing the match because of you lazy bones.'

Alice stood there, broom in hand and positively beaming with excitement for the upcoming match.

'Fine, m up,' yawned Ron, getting up.

Harry and Alice left him to get changed and sat in the common room together.

'Don't get too comfy, or you'll fall asleep again,' said Alice.

'Fine,' Harry sighed before leaning in for a kiss.

Once Ron had come down the three headed down to the pitch to get changed. Once they'd gotten to the pitch, however, they were met with Professor McGonagall Professor Slughorn and Umbridge.

'Professor, what's going on?' Asked Harry.

'The Quidditch match is cancelled Potter,' said McGonagall. 'There has been another attack.'

'What?' Alice breathed heavily in shock.

'Who?' Asked Ron.

McGonagall hesitated for a moment. 'Draco Malfoy,' she said.

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