Chapter 7 Bloody Hands

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Harry awoke next morning to find his condition had improved. The pain had died down somewhat and Madam Pomfrey let him go down to breakfast. He went to sit down next to Alice and Ron and began ladling porridge into a bowl.

'How did you sleep?' Asked Hermione who was sitting opposite Alice.

'Err, good,' said Harry.

'You know, you asked Harry how he slept but no not me, you know I'm just your boyfriend, that doesn't mean anything,' said Ron.

'Oh for goodness sake Ron,' said Hermione. 'Harry's just spent the night in the Hospital Wing and that's the only reason I asked.'

'Well I'm sorry...'

'Will you two just stop,' Alice snapped. 'You've been at each other's throats for ages.'

'Like you've never argued with any of your love interests,' said Hermione and she seemed to have struck a nerve.

'No, never, not like this anyway. Or had you forgotten.'

'Well you're clearly a hopeless romantic.'

'That's rich coming from you,' said Alice. 'all those years in Hogwarts you always told me about how dreamy he was and how much you loved him and now that you're actually going out with him all you do is bicker, it's ridiculous. I'm going to class.'

The three ate in silence before Hermione went to class and Ron and Harry went to the common room.

'D'you think Alice was telling the truth?' said Ron as they climbed through the portrait hole. 'About Hermione.'

'I don't know, why don't you ask Ginny, she seems to know a lot about that sort of stuff,' said Harry.

'How are you two anyway?' asked Ron as they slumped down into the chairs by the fire.

'I, err, I don't know.'

The two carried on talking until first lesson finished and they made their way to History of Magic. When he and Ron entered the classroom Harry noticed Ron rushing over to Hermione and the two began chatting as they sat down. Harry sat at the desk next to them. Alice came and sat next to him though didn't say anything. Professor Binns began a long lecture on the first recorded case of magic and the effect it had on surrounding muggles and Harry took out a stack of books to lean his head against. He noticed Alice rummage around in her robes and pulled out her wand which she began twirling around in her right hand. She put her left hand on the table next to Harry's. Suddenly he heard the sound of wood clatter on the desk and Alice immediately grabbed his hand.

'Sorry,' Alice whispered immediately letting go. Her right hand was covered with blood. Alice looked at him and put her hand on the table hiding the gash from view.

'You should go to the hospital wing,' said Harry but Alice shook her head.

'I'll be fine.'


'I'm left handed.'

Alice looked at Professor Binns, watching the chalk move across the board. Harry took his wand and pointed it at the hem of his trousers.

'Diffindo,' he muttered under his breath and his trousers were cut. He took the piece of cloth and grabbed Alice's hand. She looked at him as he wrapped her hand using the piece of cloth. The two caught each other's eyes for a second, maybe a minute, but then they broke apart. After the lesson ended Harry Ron and Hermione headed over to the common room whilst Alice made her way to the third floor to teach her class. The three of them entered the portrait hole and sat in their usual places by the fire.

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