Chapter 18 Another Year Ends

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Harry woke up early next morning and got dressed quickly. As a special school treat now that Umbridge was gone and the attacks had stopped. McGonagall had decided that they would have the last two days dedicated to a Quidditch tournament between the four houses. So far Gryffindor had won every match they had played, closely followed by Ravenclaw.

Despite her new glasses, Alice had adjusted to flying as though it were as easy as walking.

The teams walked on to the pitch, both covered in mud and windswept, mounting their brooms, kicking off into the air. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the game began. Ravenclaw with the quaffle passing one to the other to the other then towards the hoops but it was blocked by Ron who passed to Ginny then Frodo the Alice then back to Ginny again.

Harry kept his eyes peeled for be snitch. Trying not to get distracted by what was happening below him.

Harry saw the Ravenclaw seeker zoom past him at close to top speed, speeding after a little golden ball. Harry flew after them as fast as he could.

Gaining and gaining, Harry felt the wind rush through his hair and the freeing feeling he had missed for almost three years. He reached out his arm as he flew forwards, his fingertips grazing the snitch until with one final stretch of his arm he caught it in his had and landed gracefully on the ground.

The crowd cheered loudly from the stands. Harry saw his teammates land around him. He looked at the scoreboard: 170 to 290. Every Gryffindor in the stadium was beaming.

After the victory the Gryffindor's had brought up food from the kitchens and celebrated late into the night. However one by one they went to bed until it was only Harry, Ron, Hermione and Alice left.

'I'm surprised your not exhausted,' said Hermione. 'I almost got tired just watching you.'

'That's only because your pregnant,' said Alice.

'Well maybe,' said Hermione. 'You're not thinking of mum and dad again are you?'

'No not that,' she said. 'There's been complications about who'll become the new defence against the dark arts teacher.'

'What do you mean,' said Harry, I thought Bogwarts used whoever taught at Hogwarts?'

'They do, normally, but the guy they want to hire doesn't want to work at the university, so we have to find another teacher,' said Alice wearily.

'Why not let Harry do it?' Asked Ron.

'That... that might work,' said Alice. 'You could do it like I'm doing, I'm only teaching until I leave school, why not?'

'You really think I could?' Asked Harry.

'After the DA, I think your more qualified than half the teachers we've had before now,' said Hermione.

Alice coughed something that sounded surprisingly like 'Lockheart.' Hermione gave her a look, though still smiled.

'It's up to you,' said Alice. 'No pressure.'

Harry was glad for the option. Sometimes he had to remind himself that he was an adult now, even if everyone else seemed to be able to remember perfectly.

'I'll do it,' he said. 'I mean even if I mess up, at least I'll be better that Umbridge.'

They all laughed.

'You won't mess up,' said Alice. 'You proved that in the DA, you'll be perfect, as usual.'

Harry smiled. Harry didn't really notice the days as they went by. After such an event full year it was strange to have just a little peace and quiet. And when the end of term feast came, Harry found himself in the midst of the feast, already longing for the start of another term.

On the train, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Alice sat in a compartment together. They all joked and Alice and Hermione sang songs they knew from their home. When the train eventually stopped at platform 9 3/4, Harry and Alice left the carriage together, walking to the exit of the platform though they stood to the side to allow themselves to talk to one another.

'Hope you have a good summer?' Said Harry, smiling.

'You too,' said Alice. 'You will write to me won't you?'

'Of course I will,' said Harry. 'Every week.'

Alice smiled genuinely.

'Do you mind if I see you over the summer as well?' She asked.

'Knowing Mrs Weasley, you'll be staying all summer,' said Harry.

The two laughed.

'I don't know, with Lily Rose I think things will be pretty chaotic,' she said.

'I'm sorry who?' Asked Harry.

'It's the name Hermione chose,' Alice explained. 'It's think it's lovely.'

'Yeah,' said Harry. 'It's guess it'll all be different now, won't it.'

'Is that always a bad thing?' Asked Alice.

Harry smiled at her.

'I suppose not,' said Harry. 'Anyway, I was wondering when's your birthday? It's in September, right?'

'No,' said Alice.

'But Hermione...'

'Celebrated the day she was adopted by the Grangers,' she said. 'We were born on the same day as you Harry.'

'I suppose that'll be easy to remember then,' he said smiling.

'Yes, I suppose it will be,' she smiled back. 'I love you.'

'I love you too,' Harry said.

They kissed and walked through the barrier and onto the muggle platform, then down an alleyway where the two apparated there separate ways, home.

'Master is back from his long time away,' said Kreacher as Harry came in the door. 'Master looks happier than usual.'

'Maybe I am,' said Harry, flopping down on the sofa after leaving his trunk by the door.

Days later, Harry was unpacking his trunk and found Pigwidgion tapping excitedly at his window. Kreacher bristled at he sound and began muttering under his breath.

Harry got up and crossed to the window, letting pig in who began to hoot very loudly and zoom around the room so fast Harry could bairly watch.

'Calm down,' he said. 'Do you have a letter from Ron?'

Pig landed clumsily on the end of his bed and hooted loudly again. The letter he was holding didn't have an envelope, and was a dressed to Harry in rushed handwriting.


She was born!!! Hermione told me to write to you and the others as soon as she'd slept. Knowing pig, I don't know when you'll get this so I'll say for reference, she was born 25th July. Mum keeps fussing, it's dead anoying really, but Hermione doesn't mind. She's quite small actually. Hermione said she's ten days early but she looks fine to me. She had a bit of hair that's all ginger and curly I kind of makes her look cute. I would tell you what colour her eyes were too but we can't actually tell. She doesn't open them all that often. I would send you a picture but we don't have one of her yet.

Mum told me to tell you that you're welcome to come round as soon as you get this letter. Although I'll warn you, Lily Rose is loud when she cries and she doesn't do much else except sleep.

I guess I'll see you soon


Harry smiled. He turned back to his trunk and began repacking it again.

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