Chapter 6 Wandless Magic

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Harry awoke early the next morning and went down to breakfast where he saw Alice at the Gryffindor table.

'What are you...?' Harry began but Alice stopped him.

'I'm still a student you know,' she said. 'I only eat up there at special events and stuff like that.'

Harry sat down next to her and began helping himself to some toast.

'Oh,' said Alice. 'I almost forgot.' And she gave Harry his timetable.

'Err, thanks,' Harry said and he glanced at his timetable. He had Wandless magic first thing and then free period before Herbology, then care of magical creatures, potions, divination and a double free period. He looked over at Alice's timetable; it was filled to the brim with lessons.

'You don't have any free periods, said Harry astonished.

'Well no,' she said. 'But lunch is much longer than it was at Hogwarts so that's like a whole period in itself.' Alice looked down at her plate; there was a half-eaten slice of toast and an empty goblet. 'I'd better go prepare for my lesson and such.' And she left. Harry didn't really feel like eating ether and got up to follow Alice. Ron and Hermione didn't try and stop him, in fact they didn't even notice him leaving, they wore too busy arguing.

Harry ran to keep up with Alice and began to walk beside her.

'So,' he said trying to make casual conversation. 'What's it like being a teacher.'

'I don't know,' she said. 'I haven't exactly taught anyone yet now have I.'

'Ok,' said Harry. 'What's it like working at the Ministry.'

'Rather fun really,' she said and a wide grin spread across her face.

'And Aurors,' said Harry. 'What's it like to be one of them.'

'Don't ask me, I'm not an Auror,' she said.

'But you must know some, Aurors I mean,' said Harry eagerly.

'I think they enjoy it,' said Alice. 'Or else they wouldn't go through the hassle of becoming Aurors in the first place, would they,' and she giggled. Harry giggled too and they walked through the classroom door.

'Well you've got first pick of the seats,' she said. And Harry noticed her eyes glint in a similar way that Dumbledore's once did. But hers looked more like a thousand diamonds wore glistening inside her eyes, and Harry thought it rather beautiful. 'Don't just stand there staring, sit down.' Harry had hardly noticed what he was doing and immediately sat down right in front of Alice's desk feeling embarrassed.

'If I don't get the hang of it in class will you help me?' the words tumbled out of Harry's mouth before he could stop himself and he felt even more embarrassed.

'Of course, but I don't think you'd need it,' said Alice. 'Your cleverer than you think, you would have made a good Ravenclaw.'

'How do you know?'

'I was in Ravenclaw silly; I think I would notice. I'm in Gryffindor now of course,' she said and she smiled.

'What do you mean?'

'I had to be re-sorted; apparently I didn't fit in Ravenclaw.'

'That's silly,' said Harry.

'I know but I'm not going to complain,' said Alice. 'I don't mind really.'

The class began filling in now and Harry could no longer talk to Alice. Ron sat next to Harry and Hermione sat phew rows away, clearly they weren't on good terms at the moment. Harry saw Malfoy and Goyle sit a phew seats away from them. He was sniggering about something.

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