(A/N: The Characters of Fairytail aren't mine. So is the pictures I show.
Side Note: Haruki's appearance above 👆)
(Third Person View)
After the request was accomplished. Crystal and her group headed to the nearest town they could reach. They were going to rest for a bit then continue on with their journey to Magnolia.
When they rented a room within a hotel in Hargeon....
"Good thing we could afford a small room for the five of us." Said Ichigo while sitting on one of the beds. The room consisted of a big balcony that can see the Hargeon port, two beds were at the side of the balcony.
Crystal huffed. "Yeah, good thing. The bad news is, there's two boys and three girls. And there's only two beds. Unless one of us has to sleep on the floor."
Flora immediately jumped on the second bed which was at the right corner of the room. "I call dibs!" Then she started to jump on it. "Hey! No fair!" Haruki yelled and immediately went to the other bed.
"Hey! Stop jumping, you might get hurt!" Scolded Crystal. Flora only stuck her tongue out. "Oh don't be such a killjoy, Crystal!"
Aqua gasped. "Oh she did not just call you a killjoy." He said sarcastically. Crystal sighed. "I'm not being a killjoy, alright? I'm just looking out for my friends that's all."
Ichigo smiled as she walked towards Crystal and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We know. So don't worry about it and besides, Flora is tough enough to not get hurt by falling off a bed." Suddenly, Flora threw a pillow at Haruki's face and laughed while running around the room with Haruki chasing her. Crystal had to stop them from running around.
"Anyways, what about the two beds? Who'll be sleeping in it?"
Haruki jumped happily and smiled evilly. Crystal already knew where this was going. "Crystal and Aqua should be in the sam-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence when Crystal threw a pillow at him.
"Urusai, teme." (Shut up, ***hole) She said with little killing intent leaking out of her. This made Haruki shut up. Crystal sighed and sat beside Aqua whose sitting on the floor. Ichigo clapped her hands. "Ok, how about this? The boys will sleep on the first bed while we, girls, sleep on the second? Good?" None disagreed to the suggestion.
Flora then went to the balcony. "Wahh! Let's go explore the place! Come on guys! Please, with a cherry on top!" Haruki joined in. "Yeah! Come on guys!"
Crystal exchanged looks with Aqua and Ichigo. The three sighed. "Alright." They both said in unison.
Crystal frowned. "Ok where the heck is Haruki and Flora?!" Aqua and Ichigo shrugged. "They were just beside us and the next thing we know is they're not here anymore."
Flora skipped happily beside Crystal as they walked down the streets of the Port. Crystal couldn't help but look around. Ichigo and Aqua were talking about something while Haruki seemed to be like in a daze as he walk.
Crystal noticed this and decided to scare him from behind.
She left Flora's side and crept behind Haruki's back and pushed him lightly while saying "Boo!".
This caused the boy to get startled. He glared at Crystal and started to hit her with his fists to which Crystal avoided while laughing lightly. Crystal then raised both her hands up in a surrendering manner. "Alright, alright! I surrender!" She said with a laugh.
"Hey, I wonder what's the commotion over there?" Flora asked while pointing to a large crowd of people. This caught everyone's attention. "I can hear music. Though a little faint." Said Aqua.
"Hey there's a street performance going on! Wanna go and see it?"
"Yeah sure!"
"A street performance?" Hummed Crystal.
Flora grabbed Ichigo and Aqua's hands and said. "Well? Let's go and see!"
She dragged them towards the crowd with Crystal and Haruki trailing behind.
They suddenly stopped.
"Awwwww. I can't see anything from here!" Whined Flora. Crystal tried to see by going tippy toes but to no avail. She sighed. "No luck. I'm short af so can't see it either."
Ichigo then saw a small opening. "Guys!" The others looked at her way. "Here! Follow me! There's an opening here!"
Everybody run towards her but stopped. They first took a deep breath before squeezing in the crowd.
"Excuse me!"
"Coming through!"
"Hey! Watch where ya stepping kid!"
"Sorry, Sir!"
"Ah Sorry!"
After getting through the crowd, Crystal and the others rejoiced.
They finally get to see the street performance!
Dancers graced fully danced within the circle while other performers do magic tricks. Like spitting fire or making things levitate and disappear.
"Wow! They're so good! Right, Flora?" Ichigo asked. But she didn't get a response. She looked beside her and saw no one. She looked around and saw no traces of Flora whatsoever.
"Flora! Flora! Where are you!?" She called. This caught Crystal and Aqua's attention. They went towards her and asked as to why she was yelling.
"Flora! She's not here with me!" The two's eyes widened. Crystal looked around. "Ah, sweet honey iced tea. Even Haruki!"
"Hah? Even him?"
"Let's go look for them! Who knows what could happen to them!" Said Ichigo.
(Flashback Ends~)
Ichigo looked around. "They couldn't have gone far from here."
Aqua frowned. "Not to be rude but, they don't know the places in the country of Fiore. This place isn't where we came from, we know nothing of some of the places here. There are billions of things we should worry about especially now that the two are missing. We have to find them! Or something bad could happen to all of us." Crystal faced the two. "Yeah. We have to find them or something."
Ichigo and Aqua nodded their heads. "But where we'll start?" Asked Ichigo.
"You and Aqua will go back to the hotel and see if they are there and if not, then go search for them. While I go search for the them at the rest of the port." Aqua raised a hand. "So, we're splitting up?" Crystal nodded. "Yes, we have to. It's faster this way. Ok! No more dilly-dallying! Go go go!" Said Crystal who immediately shooed the other two.
Crystal turn away from their direction and started running. "I hope the two of them are fine." She muttered.
(With Flora and Haruki)
"This is all your fault! If we didn't came to see that Street show, we wouldn't be lost!" Yelled Haruki.
Flora clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Weeell, if you didn't followed me here, I wouldn't be hearing you complain! And besides you were just curious as I am." She said as the two of them walk though a marketplace.
"This is going to be a long day." Muttered Haruki.
Living In A Fairytail
Hayran KurguHaving a second chance to live is great. Most people would want that to happen to them. But then, what if you're reborn in another world? In another dimension? What if you were reborn as a wizard? Now that is interesting.