Chapter 53

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Aidan's POV

Come on Aidan, concentrate, anything is possible now! All right, I just have to believe in myself and trust my powers. Believe in myself and trust my powers, ok. You can do this, just focus! Trust my powers, trust my powers. Of course half an hour ago I didn't even know I have powers! I slapped myself. Focus!

Pitch was still busy monologuing, typical cliche type of villain you see in the movies, which was definitely not what I was expecting from him. What Jack said, "So what now? We give them moral support? Tell them it's gonna be all right? We're the good guys and we're  gonna save the day?" may have just been a way to save not just us, but the whole town.

I now have the power of nature, I'm wondering whether I can actually use The Voice Of Nature to reach out to people.

But what are the chances that they would listen? Heck, they would most likely have the same reaction as mine when I was seven. A ghost talking to them, that'll creep them out even more. Come on Aidan, anything is possible!

"Cover me." I whispered to Cleo. "I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm hoping it'll work. Just help me out if I get busted, ok?"

"What?" Cleo asked in confusion.

"Shh!" I said. "Cause if this works, I might accidentally get this to Pitch too. Not quite sure whether I can control who to talk to."

"Aidan, what are you doing?!" Cleo whispered.

"I'll tell you if it works." I whispered back.

I glanced at Pitch, I knew it was only a matter of time before he breaks out and starts killing everyone. I'm actually quite surprised on how calm he is. Come on, for someone like him who's been craving for revenge for such a long time, he's keeping his composure very well. Hopefully none of us will make him snap out of it so soon.

Nature... I call upon you to aid me. Can you help me reach out to people? Please... Allow them to hear me!

Suddenly, I was looking at a different place. I soon realised that I was actually looking through nature, one of the plants of this town. I shifted to another plant, this time it was inside a house.

Oh my gosh... This is so weird and cool at the same time!

"Who's there?!" I heard a panic-stricken voice.

Wait... They can hear me! Oh thank you, nature!

"Mom!" I heard a child cry. "There's someone... In the... House..."

"Shhh... It gonna be all right, sweetheart." I then heard the mom.

North was right, people have barricaded themselves in the house, the front door had furniture shoved against it, I couldn't see anyone, most likely hiding in the basement, or in a room.

Uh... Microphone test, one two three? First off, I'm not a ghost, yes I know it sounds crazy. But you've gotta listen to me!

"THE FLOWER POT IS TALKING!" I shifted to another plant, only to see a little girl, pointing a trembling finger at me. I was outside, she was hiding behind a window.

Hey, hey, hey, little girl, don't freak out! Calm down...

There was another piercing scream, I glanced at the door, only to see a nightmare. It kicked down the door and charged at a little boy.

No! I have no idea how, but I was able to take control of the plant, I then chased after the nightmare, squashing it flat with the pot.

Listen up! I know all of you are afraid of the situation right now, heck, you're all probably afraid of this voice you're hearing, I mean no harm! You have to listen to me, your fear, will only enhance the enemy! These negative feelings, fear, anxiety, it's making Pitch stronger. You need to calm down-

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