Chapter 33: Twisted Story

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The long and fun holiday in New Zealand will be over soon. It was fun but...I couldn't spent much time with Mark, he was busy on his phone wherever he is...talking to Hope.

It's our last day in New Zealand before we head back to Korea. We're in a shopping mall, the boys said that they wanted to buy some souvenirs for their family and other relatives.

"Alright, it's our last day, so let's have fun."
Jaebum stated and everyone cheered.

"We'll have the whole day to shop before we fly back to Korea tomorrow, so lets just shop till we drop!"
Jinyoung stated and without him finishing his words, everyone are long gone away.

I was with Mark who's on his phone while I walk around awkwardly. It's been a while since I really hold his hand, I wanna try to but he's always on his phone.

"Hey Mark...where you wanna go?"
I asked finally breaking the silent.

"Anywhere is fine, I'll just go anywhere you want to."
He answered giving me the disappointment.

"But it's our last day, are you sure? Aren't there anywhere you wanna go?"
I asked and hoping he would say something and put that stupid phone away.

"Actually, I'm craving for ice cream, let's go get them, my treat."
He smile.

"Yay! Let's go!"
I said and grabbed his hand and pulled him to the ice cream store.

We came by baskin robin and I'm just looking through all the ice cream they have here. I've always been eating the same flavour so I thought, why not try something else?

"Shin, what you wanna get?"
Mark asked.

"Hmmm...I'll go with cookies and cream."
I said and Mark nodded.

He went and get the ice cream while I finds a seat and wait for him to come back with the ice creams.

Mark then came back with two cup of ice cream on his hand. He passes mine to me and sat down opposite of me. Once he sat down, his hands automatically go back to that phone and her fingers started tapping on the keyboard of the screens.

"Hey Mark, you should eat your ice cream first, you won't want them to melt."
I said.

"Ya I will, just give me a few seconds."
He said without leaving his eyes on that phone.

I'm not happy, I wasn't smiling at all, everything in my mind are just questions...he's been different these much different, I began to get afraid everyday, that girl had appeared...will his heart change just like that?

Once we finished eating our ice cream, we left the store and continue walking around.

I came by a store that sells couples matching stuff like t shirt, necklace, shoe and so on. I wanna go in Mark want to?

"Markeu Hyung~."

Mark and I turned around and found Jackson and Krystal walking towards us. From the top of their head to their toes, they are wearing matching stuff.

"Ahhh, y'all coming here to get some matching items? You should, they sell a lot."
Krystal said and showing off her outfit that's matched with Jackson.

" we actually just pass by."
I said in disappointment tone.

Krystal took a real quick scan on Mark and I.

"It's been a while and y'all haven't bought anything?"
She asked.

" we just thought about walking around."
I said and took a real look at Mark who's back on his phone.

"Yahhh, Mark, is this your plan for today? Look at our poor Shina who's spending her so call fun time alone while her boyfriend is on his phone always."
Jackson said showing a dead glare to him.

For that one second Mark seems like he realised, all this along he wasn't really talking to me, and my hand has been empty.

Mark said as he kept his phone away.

"I'm sorry..."
Mark said and he's hand was link to mine.

My smile is back. It've been long enough, I've been waiting! I held back and smile really brightly and so as Mark.

"Let's go and get something, so if you would excuse us."
Mark said to Jackson and Krystal then he pulled me away.

Mark held my hand and I held his, we walk around the shopping mall with laughter and giggles attacks. He would also sometimes put his arm around my shoulder or my head to tease my height.

We got food over and over again, going into stores to get some souvenirs, clothes, and all sort of things that we see.

After all those tiring walking, we both sat at a bench and my head rest on Mark's shoulder while he rest his on my head.

Out of sudden of the great moment, Mark's phone rang and he got it out from his pocket. I saw the phone screen and it's...Hope. Does she have nothing better to do then disturbing my moment with Mark?

Mark take a look at me as I try to force a smile saying that it's okey.

"Give me a moment."
He said and walked away to answer the call.

I watch him walk away until he disappeared from my sight just as I'm scared that he will disappear forever. This is all a twisted story...

Mark's POV

Okey, okey, I admit it. I've been really bad to Shina. Ignoring her and always talk to Hope. Well I haven't seen her in ages and we both had been trying to catch up things that we've missed. Hope will talk to me from day to night and I just can't leave my phone.

Today I realised Shina was upset, I knew it from the beginning. Of course I would understand her feeling, I felt so bad like a jerk I was last time. I have to try to make it up to her.

I walk away to answer my call, and to be honest, I haven't really tell Hope about Shin, maybe I should so she would understand that I need sometimes to be with her at least.

On the call

Hey Hope, what's up?

Mark, wanna hear a good news?

Ya sure, what is it?

I'm coming back to Korea soon! I'm
so excited to finally meet you.

Ya I am too, when are you reaching?
I'll go pick you up.'s fine, I'll leave it as a
surprise for you.

Oh okey, by the way Hope
I've something to say.

Say it later, I got to go, bye

Wait...let me...

End of the call...

Oh well...bye?

Is it me but... I felt like these days, my love for Shina wasn't that strong as before anymore. I'm starting to loose that feeling that we used to have...

It's different now. That sweet scent that attracted me to Shin had now slowly faded away. No no! I can't, I cannot do this to her, I don't want to hurt Shina. I was her first love, the only one...

Mark and Shina's POV

Mark! You can't change already did you?

Hey all the readers, sorry that I haven't update for a while. I'm really sorry. It's because I can't think of anyway to continue. I'm planning to end the sorry soon, maybe around chapter 40-50. I apologise again to not update. I'll try to update regularly start from today! If you're still keeping up with this book, then thanks for being a loyal reader! Thanks!

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