Chapter 41: Just A Break

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Jin's POV

"You what?!"
Jackson yelled.

"Are you crazy Mark Tuan?!"
BamBam asked.

My mind are full of anger. I rush towards Mark and grabbed his collar and my rolled my hand into a fist ready to give him a punch in his face.

"You bastard!"
I said.

"Yo yo yo Jin hyung."
Youngjae and Jinyoung came to pull me away from Mark.

"How could could you do this to her?"
I asked.

It was all silent except for me screaming like a mad man. I really wanted to give that bastard a punch in his face.

"Answer me!"
I yelled.

"You do know my answer well, rather then wasting your breathe and time asking me that stupid question why don't you go chase after her? You love her don't you?"
Mark asked.

"Better then you do."
I said and gently push Youngjae and Jinyoung away from me and leave the house. I quickly took my phone out and try to call Shina but her phone is turn off.

"Shina come on...pick up your phone..."
I mumbled as I run around the whole streets.

I continue to search around and seconds, minutes almost to an hour had past. I ended coming to a park with a familiar figure seating on the bench.

I walk towards that figure and it's a girl who's crying on the's Shina.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and sat next to her.

"Jin...I don't know what to do anymore."
She said in the middle of crying.

"This is where he confessed to me and now he said he doesn't have feeling for me anymore, what had I ever did..."
She said.

I pulled her into a hug and patted her back.

"You did nothing, it's not your fault, it's never your fault."
I said as she continue to cry in my chest.

"Whatever happened remember you still have me, I'll always be there for you."
I said.

Jaebum' POV

"Mark you jerk!"
Jackson said and pushed Mark towards the wall.

"What had Shin ever did to you?"
He asked.

"Jackson oppa, how can you use violence in this type of situation?"
Hope said standing in front of Mark.

"You get out of my way, because of you my Mark hyung is never like how he was anymore."
Jackson said.

BamBam said holding Jackson back.

"That's enough, this is too much, I will not welcome you to this house, please leave."
I stated.

"You have no right Jaebum oppa..."
Hope said.

"Mark...I'm scared."
Hope said hiding behind Mark.

"You made me wanna vomit out blood."
Yugyeom mumbled and leave to his room.

Each of them slowly left and here it left Jinyoung, Mark, hope and me.

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