Chaper 6

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Friday 5:00pm
"I don't have anything to wear"
I said as I plopped down on my head in defeat.
"Lena it's just a party I mean look what I'm wearing" Dani got up and I examined the black tank top and white jean shorts she was wearing with black and white converses with a messy bun.
"Hell no she can't take fashion advise from you" Adriana said walking out of my "walk in closet" in her mint green crop top, low black short shorts, and sandals that tied up to her knees, with perfectly straightened hair.
"Well she can't look like a hoe like you" Dani snapped back
"Shut up dani I don't look like a hoe" Adriana crossed her arms.
"Guys I still have nothing to wear and you two fighting isn't helping" I interrupted what looked like was about to turn into a fist fight.
"Right" Adriana said "we have to pick out something sexy because we are gonna see Ethan and I need you guys to be together"
"You mean Grayson" Dani cut her off "Team Gray all the way"
Adriana rolled her eyes
"Guys I don't even know who I like yet" I laid down on my bed
"Ok we're gonna find out tonight starting with your outfit" Adriana said running into my closet.
"I'm helping because I need her with Grayson" Dani jumped up and ran after Age
I shook my head and laughed.
I looked at my phone and there was a text from Grayson *Hey Lena I can't wait to hang out with you tonight, it's been really cool getting to know you again this past week, anyway I'll see you at the beach*
I smiled at the message and was about to respond when I heard a loud high pitched squeal obviously from Adriana.
I got up and went into my closet.
"Try this on right now" Adriana threw some clothes at me and I went to put them on. 
This was 100% Adriana's style, it was a white crop top with some cleavage showing and shorts with a really cute pattern (outfit in the picture at the beginning).
"Ok so I kinda love this" I said showing them the outfit.
"GIRL" Ariana said dramatically "FUCK IT UP BEST FRIEND" we all started laughing in my know like normal people do. I but on my black strapped sandals and lightly curled my hair to a beach wave then we left.

We showed up at the party around 9:30 even though it started at 9. We had to pick up Mark on the way and him and Adriana were making out in the back of the car the entire time.
"So honestly do you think you like Ethan or Grayson more" Dani said to me. I glanced at her in the passenger seat then I looked back at the road because I was driving.
"I don't know Dani, they are both extremely funny, nice, hot, caring, they are there for me if I need them" I said listing things I liked about them.
"Maybe you should stop thinking about what you like about them together and think about what they are like apart" Dani suggested "just because they are twins doesn't mean they are one person.
Dani should be a damn therapist.
She was right though so I made a mental list about the differences between them.
More of a bad boy
Has a player vibe but he really isn't
The sexual one
He listens when you talk to him
Fun to fight with and tease.
Down to earth
There for you
"Dani, maybe I have to spend more time with Gray" I said
"Well yea I mean you slept with Ethan" she said
"Dani I slept over in Ethan's room I didn't fuck him"
We laughed
A few minutes later we pulled up to the beach. We got out of the car and walked down the ramp to get into the beach. There were a bunch of people I recognized from school. We all got some drinks and I spotted Ethan and Grayson with Alex.
"Dani WHEN I get drunk please make sure I don't throw up on my shoes these are my favorite sandals"
Dan laughed at me "go ahead girl"
I grabbed two beers handed one to Dani and downed the other one.
"I'm gonna go over there you good with age?" I said then looked over and noticed she was still making out with Mark.
"Go I'm fine, I'm gonna find me a girl to get with" she examined the party.
I laughed and grabbed another beer and walked over to the boys.
"Hey" I smiled at Gray and gave him a hug, I loved his hugs, he locks his arms around my waist and hold on tight, since he's tall he picks me off the ground a little so I am on my tippy toes. Then I hugged Ethan.
"Damn Lena you look hot" Ethan said letting go of the hug and I noticed his eyes wondering to my chest, he looked hot too. He was wearing his hot pink sweatshirt that I loved on him and black jeans, Gray was wearing a black zip up hoodie with a white shirt and black jeans. I took a long sip of beer.
"What's up Lena" Alex said and gave me a side hug.
A girl I kinda remembered from school ran up to all of us. "We are playing truth or dare by the docks if you guys wanna play" the girl ran back to were she came from. We decided to play and walked to the docks. I saw Mia, Kate, Nate, Adriana, Mark, Dani, a girl with her, and a few others from school.
"I'm starting" Kate said and flipped her hair over her shoulder "ok Nate truth or dare"
"Pussy" Ethan yelled and I laughed
"Is it true that your screwing Mia and Amanda" Kate said smugly
"WHAT?!" Mia screamed at Nate
"Babe I'm sorry we weren't exclusive in my defense" Nate said holding her hands.
"Bad move bro" Gray said
Mia ran away and Nate ran after her.
"Two down" Kate smiled
"Bitch" Dani mumbled sipping her beer and I laughed.
We kept playing eventually there was just me, Kate, Gray, Ethan, Adriana, Mark. Dani ran off with that girl somewhere about 3 rounds in.
"Truth or dare, Gray" Adriana said
"Dare I guess"
Age laughed and gave me a look "this ones for you Le" she said calling me the nickname she uses when she's drunk, I was confused probably because I was high key drunk.
"I dare you to skinny dip" she said proudly. "Everything off and I mean everything"
"Age" I cut her off and gave her a look
"No it's cool I mean someone has to do it at a beach party" Gray responded
"Savage" Ethan cut in sipping his beer.
Gray took his clothes off up until his underwear and glanced at me then extended his arm to me.
"Can I?" He asked.
I noticed he was talking about the beer in my hand so I snapped out of the trance that I was in starring at his abs.
"Oh uh yea" I handed him my beer and he drank the rest.
"Thanks" he winked at me then took off his underwear and ran to the ocean.
Age ran up to me and grabbed my arm then squealed.
"Damn he's sexy" she said and I laughed.
I noticed Ethan rolled his eyes.
"I'll go get more beers." He walked away. I didn't know if he was annoyed or not but I was having fun.
Soon after we were done playing I took a walk with Grayson. It was getting cold so he gave me his sweat shirt and was wearing the rest of his clothes.
"So how many times before did you skinny dip?" I laughed
He smiled "ok so it wasn't my first time, so what"
I shook my head and laughed, we stopped on the beach when we could barley hear the music anymore. Grayson sat on the sand and I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder.
"I had fun with you tonight" Gray said to me
"Me too" I smiled at him and he looked back at me into my eyes. He glanced to my lips and started leaning in.
"Gray.." I said quietly with his lips centimeters away. He ignored it and softly kissed my lips.

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