Chapter 9

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Saturday 9:00pm
"I feel bad age can't go" I said to Dani as I finished curling my hair.
"I know why did she have to get pregnant" she said putting on her black heels wearing a black long sleeved short dress.
We were getting ready for Ethan and Grayson's 18th birthday party. Age couldn't come because she was feeling sick from the baby and didn't want to be around drunk teens being 4 and a half months pregnant.
I was wearing a white short t-dress with thigh high black boots. (Picture above)
When we were done getting dressed at Dani's house we drove to Dani's new girlfriend Anna's house to pick her up. Then we were on our way to the boys house.
Half the school was here and the music was loud you could hear it from down the street.
We walked in, me, Dani, and Anna made our way through everyone dancing into the kitchen to get some drinks. "I'm gonna find the guys" I said and walked outback to the pool, there was about 30 kids out there.
"Hey Lena" Nate came up to me and hugged me. "Hey, do you know where the twins are?" I asked. "Yea there playing volley ball over there" he responded. "K thanks" I smiled and walked to the net. It was Ethan and Alex against Gray and his friend Sam.
"That was out of bounds!" Gray yelled. "No way man it landed right before the line!" Ethan argued back. "Give up Gray we won" Alex smiled. "Fine" Gray rolled his eyes and he looked at me, he kinda starred at me for a second then walked over to me. "Hey" he smiled then looked me up and down "you look sexy..I mean um...yea sexy"
I laughed and hugged him "you look hot yourself" then Ethan ran over "hey Lena" he hugged me "you look sexy" me and Gray looked at each other and laughed.
The night was fun we danced and drank but I didn't get drunk tonight.
My favorite song came on and I was next to Ethan and danced on him...ok so I may have brought out my inner hoe. Ya know I did that dance dropped down got back up ass on his dick.
He put his hands on my waist "damn Lena"
I smirked at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and danced with him.
"Happy birthday" I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. He looked at me a little upset.
"What's wrong"
"I just..I just want to be able to kiss you and hold you whenever I want without worrying about hurting Grayson...or getting hurt my self." He said.
"I'm sorry E...I'm gonna make my decision soon...I promise...." I looked into his eyes and smiled to reassure him and he smiled and put his forehead against mine.
About an hour later I saw Dani she said she was leaving with Anna. Everyone started to leave by 2:30am. I was the last one there. I was sitting on the couch in between Ethan and Grayson. "Happy birthday" I yawned. Ethan was laying his head on my shoulder asleep and Gray looked at him with tired eyes and laughed. "I'll take him up" he said and kissed me on the cheek "thank you."
Gray got up and started to take him up. "Gray.." I said as they were at the stairs. "Yea?" He said.
"Can I stay with him tonight"
Gray nodded and I walked up with him. We got to Ethan's room and he was sleep and I got changed into his shirt. Gray knocked on the door and I opened it.
"Hey" he said wearing just sweatpants.
"Hi" I smiled tiredly.
"I just want you to know that it's ok if you pick him..." Gray said seriously.
I sighed
"I don't know Gray..this is hard..for all of us" I looked down and he lifted my chin..he smiled at me.
"It's ok, goodnight" he hugged me and went to his room.
I laid next to Ethan he wrapped his arms around me and I kissed him softly.
Sunday 10:46am
My phone rang loud. I suddenly woke up searching for it. As soon as I found it my heart hurt. It was Adriana's mom.
"Hello" I asked nervously
I had a bad feeling about his phone call something wasn't right.
"Lena, Adriana needs you, I'm at the hospital with Mark there is something wrong with the baby." Adriana's mom said frantically.
"What's wrong is she ok" I stood up out of bed as Ethan woke up, I wasn't being quiet because I was to nervous.
"Ok I'm on my way right now. Bye" I hung up.
"What's wrong" Ethan sat up.
"There's something wrong with Adriana she's in the hospital I have to go" I said grabbing a pair of Ethan's sweatpants and throwing them on and tying my shirt so it was a normal fit for me. Ethan got up and put on his shirt.
"I'll drive you"
"Thanks" I walked over and kissed his cheek.
We ran downstairs and into Ethan's car. We got to the hospital and I ran in, I found Adriana's mom and we all went to her room.
"Age" I walked over to her and took her hand. She was emotionless and was starring into space.
"What happened?" I asked nervously.
When age didn't answer I looked at her mom. "She um..she had a miscarriage" she said quietly.
I looked at age and a tear slid down her cheek.
My heart broke I hugged her and didn't let go. We were there for about an hour, I told Ethan he could have left but he didn't want to leave me, he texted Gray letting him know where we were. After a while we left, me and E where driving home.
"She was finally excited to have the baby" I said looking out the window.
Ethan took my hand "she has you and her mom and Mark, she will be ok."
I smiled and kissed his cheek.

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