chapter 4 | the elevator

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(Alexis' POV)

" Alexis Eva- Padilla and hum, his sister. "

She pressed the number 9 on her phone, and literally all the doors kinda shut down. " We have a code 9, reception area. Please stay in your offices till all is cleared. " A voice spoke over the intercom.

" Miss, come with me. " The officer pulled me away from the receptionist into a small room. Literally, a investigation room.

He informed me to sit down on the chair, infront of the table he would sit at. " What's going on? " I asked the officer. " We're gonna have to check you. "

" Excuse me?! Do I looked armed? " I snapped. " Well, we're gonna have to figure that out. " He said then proceeded to tell me to stand.

He did the typical pat down, finding nothing. I literally had nothing. My purse was in Anthony's car.

" She's cleared. " He spoke into his walkie-talkie thing on his chest. " Now, state your name and relation to the person visiting. "

" Alexis E-Padilla, " Never got used to saying that, " And his sister. I told the lady up front, already. " I scoffed. Is this what I'm gonna have to go through everytime I visit Anthony? No thanks.

" Ma'am, you not being sure of your name, makes us question. We do apologize if there's a misunderstanding. " Damn right.

" There is. I'm just here to get my purse from his car. That's it. " I told the security guard. " Ma'am, we understand. We'll get Anthony and we'll clear you. But, please state your REAL relation to him. "

I looked at him, dumbfounded. How does he not know me? Maybe he was new here and didn't know the workers' family.

" I already told you, I'm his sister. " The security sighed and said another type of code into his walkie-talkie, and the doors opened again. " The coast is clear. Please return to your work. " Another message went off from the intercoms.

" We're gonna have to ask you to leave. " He said, escorting me out of the small room, walking towards the front door. " What? No. I need my things! "

" Ma'am, you're causing a scene. We don't want to call the cops on you. " He said, picking me up from trying to run back into the building.

" I just came to see Anthony. I'm his little sister! Sir, put! me! down! " I screamed. " Kurt! Kurt, buddy. My man. " I heard a male voice run towards us.

" Come on, it's little Padilla. " He set me down. " Man, sorry Noah. I haven't gotten the time to revise the list of family members. " He told Noah.

" Thanks Kurt, I'll take her up with me. She's clear. Don't worry. "  He told him. " Have a good one, Kurt. "  They did a handshake and he put his arm around my waist rather quickly. " You too! "

Noah continued walked me proudly to the elevator, waiting for it. Once we got it, he immediately removed his hand and put his hands up in defense. " Sorry for that! Don't think I'm weird. It was too make him think we're comfortable, that we knew each other. "

" It's fine. Just thank you. " I said shyly. " No problem. There's a lot of fans that pretend to be our siblings to come in, but I always tend to let them in to meet us. " He grinned.

" But next time, try and say you're Courtney's sister. With your blond hair, you look like her more than Anthony. " He chuckled. " or even Ian. " He pressed the button 7 on the elevator, and up we went.

" Oh no, but I'm not a fan, " I paused " I'm literally Anthony's sister. I thought that's why you helped me. He does call me little Padilla, sometimes. " I said. His jaw dropped.

" What do you mean you're his sister? Anthony doesn't have a sister. "

What the fuck?

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