chapter 83 | the desk

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" Maybe I should have listened to you. " Shayne said into his phone.

" Why do you seem so far from the phone? " She asked him. Even with her volume to the maximum, he was still faint.

" Sorry, " He took her off speaker phone, " I'm packing my desk. " He put his phone up to his ear, holding it with his shoulder.

" You're not actually thinking about leaving, are you? " She gasped.

" It's Anthony's orders. I have too. " Courtney and Olivia watched him pack his desk. They couldn't say anything because they didn't know much to began with.

Keith was with Noah. But we'll get back to that.

" He said either you or the job, " He took some fan art of the wall of his desk, " So you chose me. "

Olivia was still in shock that he had been hiding this for a month from all of them. More in shock that Alexis hid this from her.

" Well, undo your box, " She knew she was going to regret this, " Cause I'm breaking up with you. "

He stopped. He held the phone with his hand and looked down at the box of things in front of him. " You're breaking up with me? "

" You deserve this job, Shayne. Don't ruin it for a girl. Especially for the boss' sister. " She sighed. She didn't want too but she knew it would be better.

" I told Anthony I'd stay away. And if we're not dating, then you can keep your job. "

" Lexi, no. I'll find another job. It's okay. "

" Shayne, what is she saying? " Olivia asked him. He put his hand over the speaker and told them.

" Let her break up. You guys can still be friends outside of the job! " Courtney said, " Shayne, stay. " Olivia begged.

" But I love her! I have to fight for her. "

" I love you too Shayne, but it's not worth losing your job over. This 'quitting for the girl' thing won't happen again. I refuse to let it happen. "

She referenced the year prior to this moment. When Noah quit Smosh so suddenly after Anthony beat him up when he found out about them. What a time that was.

Shayne sighed. He remembered how much pain she was in when it happened. He was there to pick up the pieces. But in a way, he knew it was also the right thing to do.

" I love you Lexi, " He pouted over the phone. He heard her sniffle and he wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms, " I love you Shayne. Our day will come again. "

" Yeah, when Anthony isn't so protective over you like this. " He chuckled but returned to his sad state. " We can still be friends. Besides, I'll see you tonight at the barbecue, okay? "

He nodded his head but she couldn't see. They hung up. The potential last call they would have for a while.

" I know it's hard, Shayne, " Olivia gave him a hug from his left side, " If it's meant to be, it will be. Give Anthony some time to heal from all the drama that happened this year. He'll come around sometime. "

" Thanks Liv. " He hugged her back. When she pulled away, he returned to his box. But this time, he unpacked it.

" Bro, I'm not lying. I was there this morning and he was running out from Lexi's room! "

Of course, Keith ran towards Noah, as soon he got to the office. He had to tell him everything.

" What did she say exactly? " Noah asked, now intrigued with the subject of the conversation.

" They've been dating for over a month. " Keith started. Noah didn't even let him continue before he kicked the wall beside him. He left a huge hole that he would now have to pay for.

" Over a month ? " Keith nodded his head, " Over a month ago, we were still talking about us. " He crossed his arms over himself.

" That means she was cheating on me? With Shayne? " Everything about their relationship was coming back to him. Ideas kept popping in his head.

" I mean, all the times she saw Emily, she was with Shayne. " Noah looked at his best friend like he shouldn't have said that. Because now he was thinking of it.

When she came by the set and then, she would leave with Shayne. Sometimes, she would come to set with him. Other times, she had his jacket on but he thought it was because Shayne was bigger and since she was pregnant, it would cover her more than his clothes would.

" What a bitch. " Noah muttered under his breath. " Noah, " Keith warned, " That's your ex-girlfriend you're talking about. "

" I'm talking about Shayne, " He shook his head, " I fucking knew it. I knew that Shayne still loved her and yet I didn't anything about it. " He cursed.

" I thought you were over her? " Keith was confused. They had this talk already. He said he didn't care what she did anymore.

" Keith, " He looked at him, " She was my fiancée. She was having my baby. We were moving in together. " He scoffed, but it was more sad than it was douchey.

" She was the one I saw my life with, and she-she, " He stuttered, " She imagined it with someone else while she was with me. "

" Please, let me call my sister. I know she's worried sick about me. " Emily pleaded to her new parents. She had been there for the weekend and not once, did they let her interact with anyone from Cali.

" They all told us once you're adopted, to never let you see them again. They wanted you happy in a family and they want you to forget your past. " She handed Emily a bowl of fresh fruit.

" Now eat breakfast. Today, we sign you up for school. "

Which Emily feared. The only school she'd ever been in was in the orphanage, and even then, she didn't socialize with many.

But wait.

Alexis? Didn't care? About her little sister? Emily was her life, she would do anything to see her baby sister.

And Shayne didn't want to be in contact with her either? That's not possible. He treated her like his own.

Betty? Wasn't there a law where you have to check up on your old patients to be sure they're fine?

Something was definetely off here. Emily wasn't dumb. She knew something was off.

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