chapter 66 | the heart

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" Mari, come on. I'm tired of shopping. " Alexis whined as they were on hour three of their shopping.

Mari had gotten her out of the house as soon as she left work. Anthony needed her out of the house to prepare for something, happening that night.

" We haven't been to, hum, " She thought as she noticed they had been to almost every store. " Exactly. We went to them all, I wanna go home. "

She pulled out her phone as they started to walk to the parking lot.

To Tony Padilla 🕶 : We're headed home!! Please tell you guys are done???
From Tony Padilla 🕶 : Stall 10 minutes, the food is almost ready!

" Hey, are you a bit thirsty? " Mari pointed towards the Starbucks right before the parkint lot. " No, but I have been craving for a frappucino. " Alexis laughed.

" It's on me. " Mari smiled. " It better be! I was supposed to hang out with Noah, tonight! "

" Alright, they're headed home. You have a maximum of 25 minutes. " Anthony exclaimed, putting his phone back in the table.

" Go get dressed and we'll finish up! " Anthony rushed the brunette boy to get ready while he finished prepping the rest of the table with Ian.

" You've outdone yourself. " Ian commented, placing two candles on the table. " What are you talking about? "

" You were so protective about this and now, you're letting it happen. " He answered him. " I mean, no one knew about her then but now, it's different. " Anthony explained.

They were both setting a dinner that Noah and them have been making since Mari took Alexis out, this afternoon.

" They're having a baby. I have to accept it and let it all happen. " He shrugged, putting the utensils at the table. " Well yeah, but she's young, you don't think? "

" Maybe, but they're already married. He's just doing it so they can actually tight the knot officially, not just elope in Vegas. " He said, quoting Noah's words when he came to him about it.

" Besides, he said he's just proposing. He knows that she wants the baby to come first before the wedding. " Anthony added.

Ian didn't answer. They both stepped back and looked at the setting of the table and the food that was now cooling off on the counter.

" Think she's gonna like it? " Anthony asked. " I hope so cause we just spent three hours making it and we can't even have any. " He laughed.

Soon after, Noah came back down in a nice blouse shirt and some beige pants. He didn't want to overdress and make it suspicious so he dressed formally.

From snaggle tooth mari : you better be done because we're in your driveway

" We gotta go. They're home! " Anthony pushed Ian out of the backyard door. " You'll do good! Don't ve nervous. " Ian said quickly as he stepped outside.

" But also, congratulations!! I'll be at Ian's till tomorrow so you guys have all night, if you know what I mean. " Anthony winked at Noah before shutting the door behing him and fleeing the backyard.

He heard the door unlock and he rushed to the small dinning room, grabbing the flowers from the table and holding it up. He waited for Alexis to enter the kitchen to surprise her.

" I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. " He heard Mari say. That was the signal that she was going and that Alexis was right by the kitchen.

She walked in, not paying attention much until she noticed the small petals of roses on the floor.

She looked up slowly and saw Noah standing with the bouquet of roses. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw everything in the back all nicely set.

" What is all of this? " She said, reaching out to him. " Just dinner for my two special girls. " He said, handing her the bouquet.

You could hear Mari say a faint bye in the back and leave by the front door but Alexis was too amazed to respond.

" This is amazing, baby. Thank you. " She smelled them and smiled up at her boyfriend. He guided her to the chair and pulled it out for her.

" Is this why Mari got me out of the house today? " Noah nodded his head, getting the main meals from the oven. " Needed to get the things ready. "

" I love you. " She stood up again and gave him a warm hug. They swayed slowly around the dinning table, giggling like little kids.

" Noah, come on stop. I'm full! And I'm eating for two. " She laughed as he got the second dessert. He didn't think one chocolate cheesecake was enough.

" I just really wanted tonight to be special, " He paused, finishing a bite of his slice, " Plus, I didn't eat today. I was too nervous. "

" What for? To make this actually edible ? " She laughed. He stood up from his chair and made her stand up as well. He brought her to the living room, where he then placed his hands on her eyes.

" What is this? " She said, removing his hands. As soon as she did so, she gasped.

The living was full of more candles and a heart shape on the floor made out of candles. He went inside of the heart and held his hand out for her to come join him too.

" I love you, Lex. So much. " He started. She held his hands and smiled. " I love you too, Noah. "

" I'm really in love with you. In love with the idea of us. And now, in love with the idea of a family with you. " He said, rubbing her stomach.

" I love the way you scrunch up your nose when you're not sure. I love the freckles on your face when you lay in the sun too much. I love how you make looking so sick with morning sickness so beautiful and peaceful even if you're dying. " She laughed, small tears forming at her eyes.

" You're amazing. Ever since the day I met you. " He paused quickly, kissing her tip of the nose. " It wasn't easy in the beginning but right now, it's you, me and peanut agasint the world. "

He proceeded to kneel down and she gasped again. Her hands immediately covering her mouth.

" Noah, " She said, the tears now falling from her eyes. He reached for the small box in his pants' pocket and opened it in front of her. The small heart diamond ring that he had chosen for her, the day before.

" Will you actually marry me? " He asked her.

See, Noah wanted to propose to her because he wanted her to have the experience of walking down the aisle. He didn't do it for him, he did it for her. He didn't want to just be married for a year by being too young in Vegas, he wanted her to be his by love and he wanted their families to know.

She always thought she would be jumping up and down and yelling yes all the time but now that it was happening, she was crying, she couldn't breathe properly and she was shaking.

Imagine how Noah felt right now. He was shaking and felt nausious, he had been planning this for a small while now and it was finally here, he was so stressed out, he could pule at any moment now.

" Yes, one thousand times, yes. "

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