chapter 16 | the clinic

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(Author's POV)

• IMPORTANT MEETING @12:30 main office | all members & crew •

Anthony sent the email to everyone in the office, not even an hour before it's supposed to happen. It was lunch time, everyone was bound to show up.

In the Smosh Games studio, their phones went off. The multiples beeps annoying their lunch time.

" Woah, important meeting after lunch. " Sohinki said, reading the email. " Adressing the latest events of the office. "

" Do you think he's gonna talk about the Alexis situation? " Joven asked. " I don't know, but Lcorn just texted me that he just saw Noah with a girl, at the clinic. "

Everyone's eyes shot towards Mari, who was on her phone. " Noah's alive! " Mari exclaimed. " He said that he has a broken nose and he's getting stitches removed, ugh gross. " Mari commented.

" Is it worth mentionning it to the squad? Cause I'm about to called them! " Wes said, probably dialing Courtney. " No! Lcorn just said, don't tell anyone he's telli-oups. " She started to read her text message, silently.

" Do you think he'll make it for the meeting? " Joven asked. " Not sure, I'll ask him about it. I mean he still has about an hour left. "

" Wait, wait, wait. You guys are completly missing the point. " Flitz stopped them. " Who was the girl? " Flitz asked, remembering that also Anthony's sister was missing.

" What are you implying? " Sohinki looked at him. " I'm just saying, Noah is missing and his sister is also nowhere to be found. They both dissapeared around the same time. "

" You think, they fled off together? " Wes sipped on his coffee. " I could be wrong. But it could also be the case. " He started to eat his food.

" I don't think we should mention any of this in the meeting. "

(Noah's POV)

As soon as I heard my name, I turned around and saw Lasercorn with his wife and his son. Alexis immediately let my hand go and went the opposite directions of them.

" Dude, we've been worried sick. Glad to see you're alive. " He commented, giving me a hug. " I'm good, yeah. Sorry about that, my phone broke during the fight. I never got time to get a new one. "

" Geez. Did you get that from the fight? " He asked, probably talking about my nose. He gestured me to come sit with him. I hesistated since I didn't wanna leave Lex alone on the other side of the waiting room, but I didn't wanna be mean.

" Yeah, I mean Anthony did break Ian's nose too. " I laughed nervously. " What are you guys here for? " I said, sitting beside him.

" Babycorn is little warm and feverish, but we checked his temperature and it's fine. We can't seem to figure it out. " His wife responded. I nodded and played a little bit with Tyler's hand.

" You coming back to the office? Or did Anthony fire you? " He asked. I shrugged because I didn't know if I was coming back, but I also didn't know if I was fired and I just never read my email.

" Noah. " Alexis called from a far. She had her hood on so we could barely see her face anymore. I guess she was hiding from Lasercorn.

" It was good to see you, guys. Tyler is still adorable. Hope everything is okay with him. " I said, standing up. " But hey Lasercorn? "

" Hm? " He reached for his phone. " Can you not tell anyone from Smosh, you saw me? I kinda just need a moment to relaxe and breathe from what happened. " He nodded his head. " No problem, bud. Keep in touch at least, okay? "

" He won't tell anyone he saw me. " I said to Alexis. We walked towards the room I was supposed to go in. " Would it be so bad? " She asked, as a nurse opened the door for us.

" Shouldn't be too long. " The nurse said, going out again. " I mean, no. But I don't think I'm welcomed anymore. And I think, if things progressed between us, I'm going to be breaking some boundaries with Anthony. "

Which was true. Since Alexis had been hiding out at my place after the fight, and in that past few days, we had a lot of time to get to know each other. But nothing happened. Besides, occasional cuddles and hand holding.

" You're over thinking it. I know Anthony. And even though he's protective, he's not going to the point where he's going to fire you because of it. " She told me, coming closer to wear I was sitting.

" At least give Keith a call, please? " She looked up at me, with a puppy dog face. She had never done that before and I sorta just melted? She looked really cute.

" I'll think about it, okay? "

How did I end up not wanting to work at Smosh anymore?

(Author's POV)

" Do you think he's gonna mention the fight at all? " Courtney asked, eating her food.

" I don't know. We went there and when Olivia said what she said, he looked like he was more leading towards the idea of telling us about Alexis. " Keith spoke, looking at his phone.

" But, it still wouldn't answer the question of why was he so angry. " Shayne added, sipping on his drink.

" Do you guys think Noah's gonna come back? " Olivia asked, looking up from her food. There was a silence after that. Keith put down his phone, and sighed. No one answered, because no one really knew what went on in Noah's brain.

" I don't know Livliv. He isn't answering us, anymore. " Shayne looked at Olivia, pitifully. She looked so fragile and upset that one of her best friend was missing.

I mean, they all were.

" Just hope that whatever plan we figure out in the meeting, it would make Noah call us. " Keith said, standing up. " Speaking about meetings, it's time. "

They all stood up, checking the times of their phones. They packed up their food, throwing it in the bin on the way out.

It looked like they were in a movie. Both of the squads, coming from their side's of the office, walking at the same time, to join the middle.

" You guys ready for this? " Courtney asked the Smosh Games' crew. " Are you? " Mari asked seriously to the Smosh Squad.

" Not even a little. " Shayne pushed through the doors to the main office, where the meeting was being held.

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