chapter 84 | the barbecue night

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" You're such a bitch. " Noah said, suddenly.

It was the supper at the Padilla's and Anthony let Shayne come. That afternoon, Alexis confessed to him about the breakup.

The barbecue went well, others left and some stayed. Joven, Olivia, Shayne, Anthony, Alexis, Noah, Wes and Ian were out back by the pool. Others were still on deck, chatting and watching them enjoy the rest of the sunset.

The whole time they were by the pool, he kept looking at Shayne and Alexis. They were laughing and hugging, very close to each other the whole night. Even if they weren't together, they acted as if the rule went out the window for the night. It got Noah's rage inside of him to start flowing.

Everyone looked at him. It was so sudden, every conversation stopped.

" Noah, what the hell? " Ian choked on his sip of beer.

" You're a whore, you're a slut. You're everything you've heard the fans say about you. " She went silent as soon as he called her out, she literally didn't flinch, she didn't say one word.

" What the hell are you on? " Shayne tried to stop him. He turned to face her and spoke. " There is no way any of that is true. "

" But it is, though. She's such a whore. She moved from ex to ex, just to be loved? Pathetic. " He scoffed.

" Noah, don't think you're over doing it now? " Joven finally chimmed in. Everyone was too afraid to intervene because they didn't know what Noah was holding in.

They were all in the pool, hanging out and listening to Noah go off on Alexis for sleeping with Shayne, after their breakup.

" No, " He took a deep breath, " She deserves everything. She says she never goes for her ex's best friend and then cries when people think that. She needs to wake up and realize she's the office slut. "

" Noah, that's enough. She's still our friend. " Ian defended her. " Yeah dude, I'm not happy with it either but, back off. " Anthony got up to take his sister away from the situation.

But she didn't move with him. She didn't react, she just sat there and watched him insult her.

" You have no right to yell at a girl like that. " Shayne said, now also defending her.

" Shut up, Shayne. Do you want me to yell at you? I haven't even gotten started with you. " Noah warned him. He sat back down in his chair and shut his mouth.

By now, everyone heard the situation that was beneath them. Noah was fuming, if the house wasn't in the middle of a spacious area, than their neighbors would have called the police for a noise complaint.

" Don't you have nothing to say to defend yourself? " Wes asked her. If there was anything he learned about her by the times she spent with Mari at the office, was she always defended her reputation.

She shook her head calmly and just smiled innocently.

" You're joking, right? Alexis, you're better than this. " Olivia said, removing her glasses to stare at her.

" It's okay, he's mad and I get it. " She said quietly.

" Are you dumb? " He made hand movements. " I'm more than mad. I'm angry. I'm appauled. I'm devasted. I'm ready to fight. " He said. Ian got up and put him in a kind of arrest position. " Enough. You're done. "

Where was Keith to stop him? Oh right, he left because he knew it was going happen and he didn't want to be the blame for.

" Alexis, don't let him talk to you like that. " Anthony said, pulling her closer to him. " Seriously, it's fine guys. It's okay. "

She proceeded to remove hersef from his grip. She moved towards Shayne to grab her towel from her chair and put on her flip flops and headed inside.

She ignored the calls from everyone who watched her  calmly make her way back in the house.

But Noah wasn't done.

" Really? You're just gonna let me scream at you? " He followed her indoors as she headed towards her room. She started packing some of her belongings into her backpack. " Yes. "

" Why? " He asked confused. " Because Noah, " She stopped and turned around to face him, " You're mad and I get it. I'd be mad too if you did with my friend, but look it happened and you can't deny the fact it did. I'm not gonna say I regret because I don't. " She returned to pack a few more shirts and stuffed a big pencil case type thing into her bag.

" Call me what you want but I've been called worse. " She started to ramble, her blood slowly rising.

She knew she was gonna tell him so she needed to leave immediately. She couldn't expose the rest of the secret so, she just stopped talking.

But she didn't even realize that he already knew it.

" Oh yeah? Like what? " He egged her on. She pushed past him and headed towards the front door and reached for the knob.

She could see in the back of him that most of the crew members that were on the deck, now inside. Not sure if they should approach the situation and help her out.

They really should have.

"Alexis, really ? You're such a cunt when you do that. You talk and never finish. " He stopped her from opening the door. Tears formed at her eyes as he insulted her, but she didn't let it show. " Let me leave my own home, Noah. "

" Not until you speak to me, " He said, " What's worse ? "

" Being your fiancée! " She screamed. He let go of the handle in shock and she pushed him aside, walked out and she slammed the door behind her.

She didn't know if she meant it but in the moment that's all that she could say, all she could think off. That's all she did say.

She ran to the nearest park she found, and just sat on the bench. She stared into distances for a few seconds. She sat and wondered, whether or not to cry.

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