chapter 11 | the day after

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(Alexis' POV)

I woke up with a pounding in my head, the immediate response to go throw up. I jumped out of bed quickly and headed towards the bathroom in the guest room.

Wait, guest room?

After a few minutes, I rinsed my mouth and walked slowly back out of the bathroom. Looking around the room, there was nothing and no one in sight. The bed was just messy.

Did I really just crash in the guest room?

I heard a thud outside of the room and I panicked. " Anthony? " I opened the door slowly and yelled out. But, there was no response.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table, and dialed Anthony's number. " Hello? "

" Are you home? " I whispered. " No? I just texted you that I was heading to the office to do the final preparations for a shoot on monday. "

I looked down at my phone and checked my notifications really quickly.

From big bro😎: Off to the office. Final prep for a big shoot monday, be back in a few hours to help clean up.

" If you're not home, did someone stay overnight? Someone is here. " I said, walking out slowly. " Check it out, I'm coming back. " He hung up.

I took the nearest object to me, which was a broom, as I made my way down the stairs slowly. The front door closed silently, and I knew the person was gone. I didn't even bother checking outside, I wouldn't be able to run after him, I'd puke again.

Incoming call from : big bro😎

" Hey, they're gone. I don't know who it was. " I answered.

" Shoot. Just, hum, lock the doors and be sure nothing is gone. If you want to leave the house to be safe, come to the office no one is here. If not, have your phone on you at all times incase something happens. "

" Doors locked. Stay at work, I'll be okay. " I reassured him, finally making my way towards the front door.

" No, I can't leave you like that. It's wrong. I'll come home. " He said, I could hear him turn his engine on again. " No, it's okay. I'll text you in a bit. "

" Stay safe. "

After I hunged up the phone, I looked around the house. It was not a complete mess, but it was still a mess. A few beer bottles on the living room table, cups everywhere. The beer pong ball made it's way down the hall.

I made my way to kitchen, getting a cup of water and some Advills from the cupboard. I took two of them, before putting it back and looking at beer pong table.

All the cups were emptied out. Then, I found a small notebook with what looked like bunch score boards with names and numbers, on the side of the window.

/July 4th 2015 : BBQ AT IAN'S/
Joven & Wes vs. Lasercorn & Sohinki - Win : Joven, Wes stopped playing mid-game.
Mari & Flitz vs. Ian & Anthony - Win : Smosh Games
Mari & Peter vs. Pam & Ian - Win : Mari & Peter
Flitz vs. Joven - Win : Lasercorn, he just smashed the cups like a T-rex.

It looked like they have this with then everytime when they play beer pong, and tally up their wins. I flipped through the pages and it was 2 years full of games. You could definetly tell they wrote in it when drunk, there was sticky spots and beer stains, writing was messy.

Noah & Olivia vs. Shayne & Court - Win : Shayne
Livliv & Court vs. Shayne & Keith - Win : boys
Wes & Shayne vs. Joven & Noah - Win : Team buff
Shayne & Court vs. Livliv - Win : Livliv
Keith vs. Noah - Win : Keith
Court & Mari vs. Sohinki & Wes - Win : Girls
Alexis & Noah vs. Livliv & Mari - Win : Livliv & Mari

Woah, hello. I'm on here. I remember playing the game, and being really good at it. I think? Noah, Noah. Why did the name tell me something? It sounded familiar.

I put the book in a drawer to give to Anthony later, as I started to clean the cups from the table. " Noah, it's sounds so familiar. "

I wiped down the table and put the chairs around it again. Where have I met a Noah? I didn't know anyone named Noah in high school, or in my life, ever.

" Gross! " I stepped into a puddle of beer. I was in socks too, so it made it no bueno. " Man, who just wasted good beer ? "

And then it clicked in my head.

" Grossman! " I litterally exclamed, alone in the house. Noah Grossman, he works with Anthony at Smosh. I was satisfied with myself for figuring out the name.

Through out the cleaning process, things started replaying from last night. I met Ian for the first time, we ate take out, people started arriving soon after, we did shots. I played beer pong with Noah.

And then, I left the game with Noah because he was too drunk. So me and a guy named Wes, I think, brought Noah to the couch.

No, to a bed. The guest room. Oh my god.

Wait, did Wes even help me?

No, he didn't. It was just me and Noah in that room.

Oh my god, what happened last night?

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