chapter 71 | the miscarriage

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" Why didn't you tell me? " Mari asked, walking into Alexis' room. It was the evening of the supposed to be house warming party. " I couldn't come to terms with it, myself. " 

" Lexi, you know I'm your best friend. I would have been there to support you. I would have tried my best to help you wit this. " She hugged her best friend that was sitting in the bed of her own tissues. " You told Shayne before you told me. "

" I couldn't help it. He was there when it happened. "

Let's rewind a bit. 

Shayne and Alexis were with Emily at a nearby park, watching her play with some of the other orphans. They were sitting on a bench, because Alexis was having pain in her lower back. She thought it was because of the lack of a good bed. 

She was very wrong, she just didn't know it yet. 

" Are you sure you're okay? Ever since you told us about your engagement, you've been in a lot of pain. " Shayne asked her, very concerned for the baby. " I'm fine. It happens a lot during pregnancy, well that's what my doctor said. "

Shayne shrugged it off. But throughout the day, it got worse. She was in visible pain. 

" I think you need to go see someone about this. This isn't affecting your feet anymore. " Shayne looked at her as she laid in fetus position in Emily's bed. " I only saw her like this whenever our dad beat us really badly. " 

" Emi, I think you're exaggerati- ow! " She clenched her stomach harder. " That's it, we're going to the hospital. Let's go. " 

" It's nothing, Shayne. It'-" She cut herself off, groaning in pain again. " Alex, go. Betty will stay with me. " 

Shayne carried her in his arms, as she clung onto his neck. She couldn't bare the pain but she tried to not show it. She held back her tears because she didn't want him to worry, but he was already worrying. 

They got to the hospital and it didn't take less than 45 minutes for someone to check up with her. A pregnant teenager, crying in a waiting room while she clenched her stomach does help be served first. 

They did an ultra sound as soon as they had her in their care. 

At first, they didn't let Shayne in. But he begged, he begged for his dear life. He was almost crying because he couldn't let her be alone. 

They finally let him in and he walked in at the exact moment that they were going to realize the damage. 

They cleaned her up and checked her into a room, before they told her the news. She waited another 45 minutes in pain, in terror, in curiosity but mostly, in a heartbreak. She saw the doctors' faces during the scan, and she knew this wasn't going to be good.

She was right. 

She screamed. She screamed in horror, in sadness. She kicked and screamed, she wished it wasn't true. She didn't even want them to tell her the process of things they had to do to remove the pregnancy. 

They had to tie her to her bed, because she kicked too much. She was in distress, she was in emotional and physical pain.

And Shayne stayed by her side the whole time. He couldn't believe the words that came out of the doctor's mouth. 

" We realized that your fetus has not developed since the last time you saw us. Which led us to do more test. It has come to our attention that your fetus did not have the right amount of chromosomes. Therefor, there was no more heartbeat. " 

Neither Noah or Alexis didn't deserve this. They were too young and too happy to have deserved this. 

God, what would Noah even think? How would he feel? He wasn't there to support his fiancé during this, but then again, she didn't even tell him she was having pain. He wouldn't have known. 

" Don't call Noah. Please. I'll tell him. " She kept promising him. But she didn't, she never did call him to tell him. She stayed at Shayne's for two weeks. She was hiding there. He turned the guest room into her room since she was there so often. 

For weeks, Mari, Anthony, Noah... well, everyone questioned where she was. Shayne always lied. He couldn't tell them that she was at his place, because they would ask question. It would add on more stress and problems on Alexis then she needs at this time. 

" Did you tell Noah? " Alexis was too afraid to face him, now. She knew that she told him and she knew he was probably angry. 

" I did. " She bit her lip nervously. Hesitant on the next question she was going to ask, " What did he say? " 

" Nothing. He just cried, Lexi. How else did you want him to react? " Alexis sighed. She felt like a terrible fiancé. She wasn't there for him when he found, and he didn't even find out by her.  " Is he okay? " 

" You can ask him yourself. He's downstairs. " 

Alexis froze. She completely, for one second, forgot that Noah still lived there. 

" I can't face him, Mari. I just can't. " She fell back onto her bed. " You're gonna have too. He was the father, Lexi. You can't shut him out of this. " Mari felt bad. She wanted to be supportive for her best friend and be on her side, but she couldn't. Alexis always hated when Mari was right.

Noah had a right to know what happened and why and when. 

" I'll tell him to come up, okay? " Mari said standing up. Alexis saw her best friend walk out slowly, calling out for Noah. 

She heard his footsteps approach her room. Her heart beating faster, she could hear it in her ears. She sat up from her laying position, and she saw him. 

The once joyful Noah was now sad, his under-eye circles darker than his hair. His eyes as red as an apple. 

For once, he was the one who stared at her from a distance. He leaned against the door, taking in the beauty that was his fiancé. Note, he hasn't seen her in two weeks. Even when crying, she was breath taking to him.

She ran towards him, leaping into his arms. He met her mid-way. They both collapsed on the floor, Alexis breaking in sobs in his arms, yet again. He couldn't cry anymore, he had spent the whole day doing just that. 

He had no emotions in his face, or his gestures he was doing as he tried to soothe her. But all he could think of was, why them?

They didn't talk. He didn't need to hear it a second time. He just wanted to hold Alexis in his arms. They moved towards the bed and laid there. Still crying, but now they were cuddled up together. 

He wanted answers, but he couldn't think straight. He was overwhelmed with emotions and questions, but none came out. He just wanted to stay in this moment. 

He had his fiancé back, but it wasn't for the right reasons. He had a bad gut feeling in his stomach, making him even more overwhelmed that he also started to cry. 

This was a long night.

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