chapter 67 | the showing off and cheers

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" Well, if it isn't Mrs. Grossman! " Ian exclaimed as he opened his front door to Alexis, the next morning.

" I'm only engaged, kind of. " She said, showing off her ring. " Wait, you knew? " She asked him, walking in.

" Who do you think made the dinner? It wasn't Noah! " He laughed. " Hey, don't rat me out! " Noah laughed as well.

" Congratulations you guys, I'm happy for you. " He gave them each both hugs. He then took Alexis' left hand and stared at the ring.

" Damn dude, this is nice. Must of cost you a ton. " He told him. " Anything to make her happy. " He smiled and pulled Alexis into him.

" I don't deserve him. He's too much. " She said, looking at Noah with the love look. " We're all on the balcony. The girls don't know, though. "

He offered them drinks and then he brought them towards his backyard where Miel, Pam & Anthony were already there.

" We're engaged! " They both exclaimed as they walked out, raising her hand, showing off the ring. Both girls gasped loudly and Anthony just grinned.

" Oh my god, congratulations! " Miel stood up first to go hug her sister-in-law and her now, futur brother-in-law. " You guys need to stop hiding this from us! " Pam playfully slapped Ian in the chest.

" Aw, I'm so happy. Congratulations, you two! " It was her turn to hug the young couple. Anthony stood up and gave his sister a long brotherly hug.

" Happy for you little sis. " He said into her hair. " Thank you big bro. " She smiled in his arms. " It means a lot to me that you helped out Noah with this. " She said, pulling away.

" Well, when he was pacing around the house at 4 in the morning and kept me up all night to plan it, I couldn't get out of it. " He laughed, pulling his now brother-in-law too, into a head lock and nudging the top of his head.

They all laughed at that, exchanging more details and congratulations to the couple. But Alexis' mind went else where as they all talked.

We'll get back to that in another chapter.

" Noah's not coming in today? " Shayne asked as he saw the time. It was already 10 and they had to film a new EBE, today.

" His call time was just delayed a bit. He's coming with Ian & Anthony. " Keith said from the dressing room. " We're gonna shoot the other scenes anyways so. "

Shayne nodded his head and he headed towards the hair chair to get his wig placed on his head.

The whole Squad heard an eruption of loud applause and cheers from a far and peaking their heads to see what it was.

" Oh hey Noah, what's going on out there? " Olivia said, getting her makeup done. " Hi Lexi! " She added as Alexis snuck up behind Noah.

They both had huges smiles on theirs faces and just stared at the Squad.

" Yes? Can we help you creepers? " Courtney laughed as they just stayed there. " We're getting married, officially. " Alexis put her hand up for the thousand time today.

The girls gasped, even getting a reaction from the stylists.

" Shut your damn mouth, no way! " Keith exclaimed, coming out from the dressing room. They all laughed at him because he was in a funny costume but he had to go give his best friend a hug.

Shayne reacted casually. A small gasp fell from his lips as he still got his wig fitted. He stood up from his chair and gave them both hugs, before returning to his seat, not saying a word.

Olivia and Courtney jumped up in joy with Alexis, as they cheered for her.

" Aw, I always thought it would be Olivia and James that would be the first Smosh wedding! " Courtney stopped jumping and laughed. " It's okay, I thought so too. " Noah joined in.

" Congrats you two young ducklings. "

" Shayne, " Alexis finally got a time to be alone with him after a few hours of filming. He turned around and looked at her. " Yeah, what's up? "

" You going to see Emily, tonight? " He nodded his head. " As always. Why? You wanna come with? " He asked her.

" Yeah. I want to tell her about this. " She pointed towards her ring. " Oh. Yeah. Congratulations, by the way. " He faintly smiled at her.

She just knew. She knew he did not enjoy this at all. But she loved Noah and he just had to accept it and move on.

" Thanks. " She sort of said. " Can we carpool there? I'll come over or something. " She proposed the idea.

" I was actually going straight after work. How about you come with me? " He suggested. She smiled and nodded her head. " I'll just come back at the end of the day. I'm gonna head home and get things for her. "

He smiled truthfully and they went both their ways.

She reached Noah again and gave him a quick hug.

" I'm gonna head home. I'm gonna go get my things for Emily, I'm coming back a bit later though. I'll be going with Shayne after work. " He rose a brow.

" Don't go there, Noah. " She warned. " I know, I know. " He gave her a quick peck on the cheek. " I'll see you later then. " She pecked him and smiled, leaving him.

" What's up? " Keith saw Noah give her and Shayne a look, as they met up again before she exited the studios. They were talking pretty intense.

" She's hanging with Shayne, later. " He told Keith. " He's bringing her to see her little sister. That's not the same thing. " He corrected him.

" Come on man, he's basically her father at this point. He's raising her and she's just making up for lost time. "

" You're right, I'm overthinking it. " He said, fixing his cap for his character. " As you always do. "

" Ready to go? " Shayne asked Alexis. " Oh, you're asleep. " He didn't like waking up the sisters. They looked too peaceful.

" Huh? Is it time to go? " She woke up suddenly. " Yes, it is. You ready? " He asked her. She streched out her legs and got up from the couch.

" Definitely. " She smiled. He grabbed her bag for her as she just literally forgot it on the couch, and they walked towards his car for the 40 minute drive that they were about to do.

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