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I have been around for over 10,000 years...I was the direct son of Count Drago Dragonius...to man...he was better known as Count Dracula...

In the beginning, my father was very cruel and heartless...for back when I was a boy...human's actually thought it was an honor to give their lives to feed vampires...one family, I remember very well...the man of the family volunteered his entire family to my father as our source of food...in return to keep their homeland safe from war, and ultimate destruction...but the man's youngest son...didn't see things his father's way...and he wanted to live...I was the only young vampire in the castle, and in the kingdom...so I immediately found brotherly companionship with him...and we did everything together...without my father's knowing of course...but my mother knew of my betraying friendship with the human boy...but her love for me, and my loneliness...she kept silent.

One day my father headed down to the dungeons to feed, and grabbed my friend from his cell...but when my father tried to slay him...he fought back...and right before my father gave him the fatal blow...I jumped in and begged him to spare his life...for I wanted him alive...that he was my friend...my father was so angered at my words that he tossed my friend back in the cell and slapped me against the back wall...and said it was forbidden for vampire to make friends with our source of food...especially his son and the prince of all. Before my father could slay my friend before my eyes...my mother came in and whispered in my father's ear...then she helped me up and took me into the cell where my human friend was...then told me that my father would respect your desire...if I had what it took to give him eternal life without killing him.

I looked at my friend Klayton and told him what my family meant...then told him how hard it was for a vampire to stop once they've bitten a human...Klayton nervously showed me his neck, and said that he trusted me...and if I did kill him, at least he would die by the hand of his brother and friend, instead of by a monster that thought of humans as nothing but livestock. I looked at him again and told him that I never successfully changed anyone before...and my father knew it, that's why he agreed to it...for he wanted to see me suffer...for the knowing of me killing my only friend. Klayton wrapped his arms around me and said no...we weren't friends...we were brothers...and he trusted me with his life.

I slowly approached my friend and as he tilted his head to the side...I smelt the blood pulsing through his veins...as the smell flooded my senses...my eyes rolled over white, and I sank my fangs into his neck...and as I drank...my venom was lethally being injected into his system...I began to feel his body go limp, and heard my mother tell me I needed to stop...or I would kill him...it took a lot out of me...but somehow I managed to break connection from him, and let out a loud roar...my friend dropped to the ground...as his blood dripped down from my lips...after I snapped out of the feeding frenzy I was in...I ran over to him and held him in my arms...thinking that I killed him...but when I felt his body heat up, I knew my venom was changing him...and he was going to survive. 

It took three days for the process to finish...and right when he came to the gate, I had a human for him to feed on...but he still had so much humanity in his heart...he couldn't kill him...so I killed him for him and told him to close his eyes and just bite down...he did what I told him, and he drank effortlessly...when he finished, I opened the gate and told him that he was going to be my friend for the rest of my existence, and we were...we did everything together, even after the great war, and the unfortunate demise of my family and kingdom...Klayton and I survived it all and became rogue traveler's...always on the move, so the slayer's wouldn't find us.

Decades passed, and we survived it all...and we lived through all the changes the world went through...and just so we wouldn't die of boredom...we joined every war of man...sometimes we'd even play on opposite sides...just to humor ourselves...but that was all in the past.

It was now 2020, and I was no longer just merely Crisstopher...I was Criss Angel...the greatest magician and illusionist in the world...and my old buddy Klayton, was a Rock Legend...and we both hid our true identities from the world for many millenniums...until one night after my live performance at the Luxor hotel and casino where I worked...I caught the slight scent of wild strawberries and fresh apples...I looked all around for the person with that scent...for it was the scent of my future soul-mate...for my mother told me long ago, that when a true male vampire found their soul-mate...they would know it out of sheer instinct...for vampires didn't find attraction through physical appearance...we found it through the scent...every vampire had their own distinctive smell to one another...that way no matter how far off they were...they would know who was coming and going.

Klayton was with me when I told him she was here in the theater...he looked at me and asked who was here...I spun around and told him that platonic erotas was in effect for me...and that I smelt the scent of my soul-mate...and that I had to locate her...before she disappeared...Klayton knew that was serious...for once a male vampire goes through the first stages of platonic erotas began...there was no stopping it...and if I didn't find her and get her to agree to be my mate...it would ultimately kill me...for vampires truly mated for life...and we didn't have human customs like divorce...once we bonded with our soul-mate...it was for all eternity.

Klayton quickly asked me what her scent was, so he could help me locate her...I told him as I was running away from him, to hunt for the strong scent of wild strawberries and fresh apples.

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